Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


Search results

  1. Baltimore Oriole - ML621105497
    Laval, Quebec, Canada
  2. Baltimore Oriole - ML621105498
    Laval, Quebec, Canada
  3. Mississippi Kite - ML621105500
    Dougherty, Georgia, United States
  4. Killdeer - ML621105495
    Putnam, Illinois, United States
  5. Ferruginous Hawk - ML621105499
    Ann Kohlhaas
    Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
  6. Cocoi Heron - ML621105496
    Mato Grosso, Brazil
  7. Tropical Kingbird - ML621105494
    Oswaldo Pinzon Rueda
    Antioquia, Colombia
  8. Common Grackle - ML621105493
    Washtenaw, Michigan, United States
  9. Whinchat - ML621105492
    Středočeský kraj, Czech Republic
  10. Whinchat - ML621105490
    Středočeský kraj, Czech Republic
  11. Whinchat - ML621105491
    Středočeský kraj, Czech Republic
  12. Common Grackle - ML621105488
    Washtenaw, Michigan, United States
  13. Mallard - ML621105487
    Mohini Rawool-Sullivan
    Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
  14. Brown-headed Cowbird - ML621105486
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  15. European Starling - ML621105485
    Washtenaw, Michigan, United States
  16. California Scrub-Jay - ML621105484
    San Diego, California, United States
  17. Gray-collared Becard (Western) - ML621105482
    Nancy Holland
    Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco, Mexico
  18. Cliff Swallow - ML621105483
    Washtenaw, Michigan, United States
  19. Osprey - ML621105481
    Louise Courtemanche 🦅
    Laval, Quebec, Canada
  20. Great Horned Owl - ML621105480
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  21. Streaked Flycatcher - ML621105475
    Oswaldo Pinzon Rueda
    Antioquia, Colombia
  22. California Thrasher - ML621105479
    Norman Uyeda
    Santa Cruz, California, United States
  23. Mallard - ML621105477
    Mohini Rawool-Sullivan
    Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
  24. Willet - ML621105478
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  25. Osprey - ML621105476
    Washtenaw, Michigan, United States
  26. Lesser Goldfinch - ML621105474
    San Diego, California, United States
  27. Blue-winged Teal - ML621105473
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  28. White-chinned Petrel - ML621105468
    Santa Catarina, Brazil
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  29. House Finch - ML621105472
    San Diego, California, United States
  30. Mallard - ML621105471
    Washtenaw, Michigan, United States