Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


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Search results

  1. Indigo Bunting - ML624048608
    Cook, Illinois, United States
  2. Red-headed Woodpecker - ML623368479
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  3. Yellow-crowned Night Heron - ML622282550
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  4. Yellow-crowned Night Heron - ML622251778
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  5. Red-headed Woodpecker - ML621448841
    rating 1
    2 ratings
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  6. Purple Martin - ML621382936
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  7. Prairie Warbler - ML621382694
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  8. Grasshopper Sparrow - ML621353028
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  9. Grasshopper Sparrow - ML621353027
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  10. Clay-colored Sparrow - ML621039274
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  11. Clay-colored Sparrow - ML621039227
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  12. Carolina Wren - ML620928706
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  13. White-eyed Vireo - ML620789378
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  14. Red-headed Woodpecker - ML620537980
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  15. Tennessee Warbler - ML620102833
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  16. Grasshopper Sparrow - ML619852115
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  17. Short-billed Dowitcher - ML615216498
    rating 1
    1 rating
    San Francisco, California, United States
  18. Red-headed Woodpecker - ML613180625
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  19. Winter Wren - ML613180034
    Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States
  20. Winter Wren - ML613179985
    Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States
  21. Red Crossbill (Northeastern or type 12) - ML611634111
    Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States
  22. Red-headed Woodpecker - ML586132401
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  23. Least Bittern - ML578781651
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  24. Least Bittern - ML578780711
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  25. Creamy-breasted Canastero (Pale-tailed) - ML502774141
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Apurímac, Peru
  26. Mountain Cacique - ML502724211
    Apurímac, Peru
  27. Connecticut Warbler - ML490186431
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  28. Acadian Flycatcher - ML483962841
    Tompkins, New York, United States
  29. Dot-winged Antwren - ML307700
    rating 2
    4 ratings
    Puno, Peru
  30. Russet-backed Oropendola (Russet-backed) - ML274426
    rating 2
    4 ratings
    Ucayali, Peru