Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


Search results

  1. Guianan Woodcreeper - ML510237881
    rating 3
    3 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A bird on a trunk. Videograb.
  2. Caica Parrot - ML205076541
    rating 3
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A bird on a branch. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 201
    Age and sex Unknown age, Unknown sex - 1
  3. White-thighed Swallow - ML205076501
    rating 2
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes Two birds perched in a tree. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: Jun
  4. Amazonian Trogon - ML205076571
    rating 3
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A male perched in a tree. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
    Age and sex Adult Male - 1
  5. Yellow-green Grosbeak - ML205076461
    rating 3
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A bird perched on a branch. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Age and sex Unknown age, Unknown sex - 1
  6. Spotted Puffbird - ML205076521
    rating 4
    5 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes Dorsal view of a bird on a branch. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IB
  7. Dusky Parrot - ML205076551
    rating 2
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes Dorsal view of a bird perched in a tree. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added
  8. Green Oropendola - ML205076561
    rating 3
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A male displaying in a tree. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: Jun
    Behaviors Courtship, display, or copulation
  9. Tiny Hawk - ML205076451
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A dorsal view of a bird in a tree. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IB
  10. Fork-tailed Flycatcher - ML205076581
    rating 2
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A bird perched in a tree. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
    Age and sex Unknown age, Unknown sex - 1
  11. Spotted Puffbird - ML205076511
    rating 4
    5 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes Frontal view of a bird perched on a branch. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date ad
  12. Spotted Antpitta (Spotted) - ML205062961
    rating 3
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A bird perched close to the ground. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to I
  13. Green-and-rufous Kingfisher - ML205076471
    rating 4
    5 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A female on a branch. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2
    Age and sex Unknown age, Female - 1
  14. Golden-collared Woodpecker - ML205076591
    rating 4
    6 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A male perched on a trunk. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Age and sex Adult Male - 1
  15. Paradise Jacamar - ML205076491
    rating 3
    5 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A bird perched in a tree with a prey in its beak. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. D
  16. Bat Falcon - ML205076481
    rating 2
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A bird perched on a branch. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Age and sex Unknown age, Unknown sex - 1
  17. Yellow-throated Woodpecker - ML205076531
    rating 3
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A female perched on a trunk. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to IBC: Jun
    Age and sex Unknown age, Female - 1
  18. Spotted Antpitta (Spotted) - ML205062971
    rating 3
    4 ratings
    Amazonas, Brazil
    Media notes A bird singing, with inflated throat. Videograb. Elevation: 100 m. Date added to
    Behaviors Vocalizing