Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


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Search results

  1. Reddish Egret - ML611586620
    Wayne Hall
    Corozal, Belize
  2. Rose-throated Becard - ML436242111
    Corozal, Belize
  3. Gray-crowned Yellowthroat - ML424645071
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Corozal, Belize
  4. Yucatan Flycatcher - ML424644911
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Corozal, Belize
  5. Yucatan Flycatcher - ML424644851
    Corozal, Belize
  6. Acadian Flycatcher - ML369755641
    rating 4
    2 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
  7. Tropical Kingbird - ML201987391
    rating 4
    6 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A bird looking for prey on a branch and flying away. Elevation: 5 m. Date added
    Behaviors Flying
  8. Tropical Kingbird - ML201987381
    rating 4
    6 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A bird perched, waiting to flycatch. Elevation: 5 m. Date added to IBC: June 22,
    Behaviors Flying
  9. Tropical Kingbird - ML201987371
    rating 3
    6 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A dorsal view of a perched bird. Elevation: 5 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 201
  10. Northern Jacana - ML201985421
    rating 3
    6 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A bird foraging, and a second individual appearing behind. Elevation: 5 m. Date
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  11. Pale-billed Woodpecker - ML201985211
    rating 4
    6 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A male looking for prey in a small hole of a trunk. Elevation: 5 m. Date added t
  12. Pale-billed Woodpecker - ML201985201
    rating 4
    7 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A bird pecking on a trunk looking for food and showing its tongue. Elevation: 5
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  13. Royal Tern - ML201834721
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A moulting adult in non-breeding plumage in flight. In the outer wing P9 is bein
    Behaviors Flying; Molting
  14. Willet (Western) - ML201834711
    rating 4
    5 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes An individual in non-breeding plumage, initially briefly in flight and then walk
    Behaviors Flying
  15. Common Black Hawk (Common) - ML201834701
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes An adult perched on a telegraph pole. This individual showed white markings on t
  16. Yellow-billed Cacique (Prevost's) - ML201834691
    rating 4
    5 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A brief view of an adult foraging at low level in a mangrove swamp. Elevation: 2
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  17. Tennessee Warbler - ML201834681
    rating 4
    6 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes An individual foraging at low level in a mangrove swamp. Elevation: 2 m. Date ad
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  18. American Redstart - ML201834671
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A brief view of a male. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: January 9, 2018.
    Age and sex Adult Male - 1
  19. Northern Waterthrush - ML201834661
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A rear view of a perched adult. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: January 9, 20
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  20. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) - ML201834651
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A female perched on open branches. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: January 8,
  21. Green Heron (virescens/bahamensis) - ML201834641
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A second calendar year immature perched and standing in mangroves. Elevation: 2
  22. Little Blue Heron - ML201834631
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A second calendar year immature moulting into adult plumage and foraging in a sh
    Behaviors Foraging or eating; Molting
  23. Black-necked Stilt (Black-necked) - ML201834621
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes An adult 'Black-necked Stilt' foraging in a shallow lagoon. Elevation: 2 m. Date
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  24. Golden-fronted Woodpecker (Velasquez's) - ML201834611
    rating 5
    6 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A male on a branch before moving away. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: Januar
  25. Common Ground Dove - ML201834601
    rating 5
    5 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A pair (male and female) feeding on the ground. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IB
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  26. Brown Pelican (Atlantic) - ML201834591
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A mixed age flock assembling for scraps at a fishing pier. Elevation: 3 m. Date
  27. Magnificent Frigatebird - ML201834581
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A mixed flock of adults and immatures at a fishing pier. Brown Pelicans (P. occi
  28. Double-crested Cormorant - ML201834571
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes An immature and an adult in non-breeding plumage standing and preening on a pier
  29. Laughing Gull - ML201834561
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes A mixed flock of adults (in breeding and non-breeding plumage) and immatures in
    Behaviors Flying
  30. Brown Pelican (Atlantic) - ML201834551
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Corozal, Belize
    Media notes An adult in breeding plumage standing on a post. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to I