Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


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Search results

  1. Lesser Goldfinch - ML619679023
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Elaine White
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  2. Lesser Goldfinch - ML619679022
    Elaine White
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  3. Dickcissel - ML617860275
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Lynn Thompson
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  4. Red-winged Blackbird - ML617860271
    rating 3
    2 ratings
    Lynn Thompson
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  5. Great Crested Flycatcher - ML617860215
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Lynn Thompson
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  6. Pileated Woodpecker - ML617860161
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Lynn Thompson
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  7. Pileated Woodpecker - ML617860159
    rating 4
    2 ratings
    Lynn Thompson
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  8. Pileated Woodpecker - ML617860160
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Lynn Thompson
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  9. Northern Parula - ML616485665
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  10. Carolina Chickadee - ML616485660
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  11. Northern Mockingbird - ML616013167
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  12. Loggerhead Shrike - ML616013162
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  13. American Kestrel - ML616013157
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult Male - 1
  14. Bald Eagle - ML616012935
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Juvenile, Unknown sex - 2
    Tags Nest
  15. Bald Eagle - ML616012928
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Tags Nest
  16. Bald Eagle - ML616012931
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Juvenile, Unknown sex - 2
    Tags Nest
  17. Bald Eagle - ML616012927
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Tags Nest
  18. Northern Parula - ML616012629
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  19. White-eyed Vireo - ML616012625
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  20. White-eyed Vireo - ML616012619
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  21. Crested Caracara (Northern) - ML616012135
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult Female - 1; Adult Male - 1
  22. White-throated Sparrow - ML616012130
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  23. Eastern Bluebird - ML616011947
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult Female - 1; Adult Male - 1
    Tags Nest
  24. Eastern Bluebird - ML616011877
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult Female - 1; Adult Male - 1
    Tags Nest
  25. Eastern Bluebird - ML616011875
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult Female - 1
    Tags Nest
  26. Eastern Bluebird - ML616011874
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult Male - 1
    Tags Nest
  27. Loggerhead Shrike - ML616011859
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
  28. Red-shouldered Hawk - ML616011846
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  29. Pileated Woodpecker - ML616011841
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  30. Vesper Sparrow - ML615986430
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Caldwell, Texas, United States