Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


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Search results

  1. passerine sp. Passeriformes sp.
    ML623278444 eBird checklist S181724882 Report
    passerine sp. - ML623278444
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  2. passerine sp. Passeriformes sp.
    ML623278443 eBird checklist S181724882 Report
    passerine sp. - ML623278443
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  3. Baltimore Oriole - ML623269523
    Hartford, Connecticut, United States
  4. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623202097
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  5. Magnolia Warbler - ML623201898
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  6. American Redstart - ML623201894
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  7. American Redstart - ML623201891
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  8. American Redstart - ML623201892
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  9. American Redstart - ML623201890
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  10. Common Yellowthroat - ML623201875
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  11. Common Yellowthroat - ML623201840
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  12. Common Yellowthroat - ML623201841
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  13. Common Yellowthroat - ML623201838
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  14. Common Yellowthroat - ML623201839
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  15. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623201757
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  16. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623201746
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  17. Red-eyed Vireo - ML623201791
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  18. Belted Kingfisher - ML623201785
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  19. Great Blue Heron - ML623201777
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  20. Green Heron - ML623201769
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  21. Green Heron - ML623201772
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  22. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623201725
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  23. Least Sandpiper - ML623201742
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  24. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623201718
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  25. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623201717
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  26. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623201712
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  27. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623201714
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  28. Solitary Sandpiper - ML623201713
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  29. Mallard - ML623201683
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States
  30. Northern Shoveler - ML623201673
    Tolland, Connecticut, United States