Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


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Search results

  1. White-shouldered Antbird - ML623446193
    Orellana, Ecuador
  2. Orange-backed Troupial - ML623446174
    Orellana, Ecuador
  3. Black-fronted Nunbird - ML623446153
    Orellana, Ecuador
  4. White-eared Jacamar - ML623446150
    Orellana, Ecuador
  5. White-eared Jacamar - ML623446149
    Orellana, Ecuador
  6. Chestnut-belted Gnateater - ML623446039
    Orellana, Ecuador
  7. Brown Jacamar - ML623446035
    Orellana, Ecuador
  8. Magpie Tanager - ML623266594
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  9. Chestnut-capped Puffbird - ML623266435
    Orellana, Ecuador
  10. Wilson's Snipe - ML623218876
    Davidson, Tennessee, United States
  11. Wilson's Snipe - ML623210814
    Davidson, Tennessee, United States
  12. Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper - ML623190972
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  13. Capped Heron - ML623173269
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  14. Capped Heron - ML623173268
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  15. Scarlet-crowned Barbet - ML623169190
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  16. Solitary Black Cacique - ML623167934
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  17. Lettered Aracari - ML623167441
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  18. Orange-winged Parrot - ML623167410
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
    Media notes Terrible quality documentation photo between rain showers
  19. White-chinned Jacamar - ML623165132
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  20. Cinnamon Attila - ML623165127
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  21. Pygmy Antwren - ML623165122
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  22. Blue-crowned Trogon - ML623165114
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  23. Greater Ani - ML623165110
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  24. Ochre-bellied Flycatcher - ML623163102
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  25. Yellow-crowned Elaenia - ML623162069
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  26. American Pygmy Kingfisher - ML623161528
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  27. Slender-footed Tyrannulet - ML623159491
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  28. Yellow-margined Flatbill - ML623159191
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  29. Yellow-margined Flatbill - ML623159192
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  30. Masked Crimson Tanager - ML623157267
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador