Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


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Search results

  1. Scarlet-rumped Tanager - ML621883607
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes preening
    Age and sex Adult Male - 1
  2. Tropical Kingbird - ML621821143
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes ID as immature because: wing coverts and tail feathers edged with cinnamon (not
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  3. Piratic Flycatcher - ML621821135
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes 1st year bird: paler below than the other Piratic Flycatchers recently seen and
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  4. Piratic Flycatcher - ML621821134
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes 1st year bird: paler below than the other Piratic Flycatchers recently seen and
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  5. Dusky-capped Flycatcher - ML621821127
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes Immature left (very pale below) contrasts with adult right
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1; Immature Unknown sex - 1
  6. Dusky-capped Flycatcher - ML621821126
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes ID as immature because: very pale below; broad rufous edging of wing coverts, re
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  7. Crested Caracara - ML621706847
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  8. Crested Caracara - ML621706848
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  9. Green Ibis - ML621706838
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  10. Western Cattle Egret - ML621706824
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Flying
  11. Black-crowned Night Heron - ML621706796
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  12. Black-crowned Night Heron - ML621706798
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  13. Black-crowned Night Heron - ML621706797
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  14. Boat-billed Heron - ML621706790
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  15. Groove-billed Ani - ML621706778
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  16. Groove-billed Ani - ML621706777
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
  17. Yellow-throated Euphonia - ML621648027
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes ID as immature because the underside was 90% grey-white
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  18. Tropical Mockingbird - ML621648020
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  19. Tropical Kingbird - ML621648002
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes Wing coverts and tail feather edging of immature are cinammon vs white of adult
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  20. Tropical Kingbird - ML621648001
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes Wing covert and tail feather edging of immature (right) are cinammon vs white of
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1; Immature Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Feeding young
  21. Piratic Flycatcher - ML621647991
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes probably an immature
    Age and sex Unknown age, Unknown sex - 1
  22. Melodious Blackbird - ML621647788
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes ID as immature because commisure orange and eye grey -brown (not black)
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  23. Clay-colored Thrush - ML621614470
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1; Immature Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Feeding young
  24. Bananaquit - ML621415211
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  25. Gray-capped Flycatcher - ML621415200
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  26. Boat-billed Flycatcher - ML621415187
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes ID as immature because of rufous feather edging on wings and tail
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  27. Red-billed Pigeon - ML621415178
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Adult, Unknown sex - 1
    Behaviors Foraging or eating
  28. Variable Seedeater - ML621405717
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Media notes just fledged
    Age and sex Juvenile, Unknown sex - 1
  29. Social Flycatcher - ML621405706
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 1
  30. Social Flycatcher - ML621405707
    Cartago, Costa Rica
    Age and sex Immature Unknown sex - 2