Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


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Search results

  1. Mississippi Kite - ML621784783
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  2. Roseate Spoonbill - ML621585210
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  3. Roseate Spoonbill - ML621585207
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  4. Roseate Spoonbill - ML621585211
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  5. Roseate Spoonbill - ML621585209
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  6. Roseate Spoonbill - ML621585208
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  7. Snowy Egret - ML621475593
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
    Media notes 12 SNEG at this location (Oxbow)
  8. Spotted Sandpiper - ML621475496
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  9. Least Sandpiper - ML621240344
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  10. Stilt Sandpiper - ML621240318
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  11. Stilt Sandpiper - ML621240317
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  12. Snow Goose - ML621240289
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  13. Greater Yellowlegs - ML619626836
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  14. Snow Goose - ML619626803
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  15. White-rumped Sandpiper - ML619456702
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  16. White-rumped Sandpiper - ML619456549
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  17. Least Tern - ML619456541
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  18. Marbled Godwit - ML617858084
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  19. Indigo Bunting - ML617857734
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  20. Indigo Bunting - ML617857634
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  21. Wilson's Snipe - ML617037047
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  22. Wilson's Snipe - ML617037048
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  23. Pectoral Sandpiper - ML617037015
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  24. Pectoral Sandpiper - ML617037016
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  25. Pectoral Sandpiper - ML617037014
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  26. Wilson's Phalarope - ML617036972
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  27. Semipalmated Plover - ML617036791
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  28. Dunlin - ML616727886
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  29. Long-billed Curlew - ML616727848
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States
  30. Semipalmated Plover - ML616727810
    Chaves, New Mexico, United States