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Search results

  1. Spotted Towhee - ML621146554
    El Paso, Colorado, United States
  2. White-throated Swift - ML621146552
    El Paso, Colorado, United States
  3. Gray-cowled Wood-Rail - ML621146544
    São Paulo, Brazil
  4. Townsend's Solitaire - ML621146538
    Park, Colorado, United States
  5. Northern Cardinal - ML621146530
    Palm Beach, Florida, United States
  6. White-crowned Sparrow - ML621146529
    Summit, Colorado, United States
  7. Pine Grosbeak - ML621146528
    calificación 2
    1 calificación
    Mono, California, United States
  8. Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch - ML621146525
    Mono, California, United States
  9. Northern Cardinal - ML621146524
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Broward, Florida, United States
  10. Green-tailed Towhee - ML621146502
    Gunnison, Colorado, United States
  11. Violet-green Swallow - ML621146481
    Summit, Colorado, United States
  12. Violet-green Swallow - ML621146480
    Summit, Colorado, United States
  13. Eastern Meadowlark - ML621146458
    Granma, Cuba
  14. Red-shouldered Hawk - ML621146413
    Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
  15. Northern Cardinal - ML621146407
    Palm Beach, Florida, United States
  16. Grasshopper Sparrow - ML621146375
    Brazos, Texas, United States
  17. Upland Sandpiper - ML621146379
    Brazos, Texas, United States
  18. Upland Sandpiper - ML621146378
    Brazos, Texas, United States
  19. Grasshopper Sparrow - ML621146376
    Brazos, Texas, United States
  20. Swainson's Thrush - ML621146377
    Brazos, Texas, United States
  21. Swainson's Thrush (Olive-backed) - ML621146336
    calificación 4
    1 calificación
    Robert Wheat
    Glacier, Montana, United States
  22. Golden-crowned Sparrow - ML621146348
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska, United States
  23. Alder Flycatcher - ML621146315
    Josh Jones
    Washington, Maine, United States
  24. Cliff Swallow - ML621146274
    Los Angeles, California, United States
  25. Olive-sided Flycatcher - ML621146176
    John Kingeter
    Juneau City and Borough, Alaska, United States
  26. Olive-sided Flycatcher - ML621146175
    John Kingeter
    Juneau City and Borough, Alaska, United States
  27. Greater Yellowlegs - ML621146216
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska, United States
  28. Alder Flycatcher - ML621146180
    Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
  29. Alder Flycatcher - ML621146179
    Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
  30. Golden-crowned Kinglet - ML621146091
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska, United States