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Con tecnología de Macaulay Library y eBird

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  1. Red-necked Stint - ML201651491
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Martin Kennewell
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios wintering flock in muddy paddi. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 201
  2. Zitting Cisticola (Double Zitting) - ML201651481
    calificación 2
    4 calificaciones
    Martin Kennewell
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios preening on overhead, roadside wire. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23
  3. Oriental Pratincole - ML201651471
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Martin Kennewell
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios side view perched in stubble field. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23,
  4. Eastern Yellow Wagtail - ML201651461
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Martin Kennewell
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios on ground, calls and poohs; tschutschensis/taivana. Elevation: 16 m. Date added
  5. Red-throated Pipit - ML201651451
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Martin Kennewell
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios preening and calling. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    Sonidos Llamado
    Comportamientos Vocalizando
  6. Red-throated Pipit - ML201651441
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Martin Kennewell
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios preening. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  7. Palawan Babbler - ML201651421
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Martin Kennewell
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios obscured view, calling. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    Sonidos Llamado
    Comportamientos Vocalizando
  8. Palawan Tit - ML201025091
    calificación 2
    5 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird extracting a larvae from a case high in a tree. Elevation: 16 m. Date add
  9. Palawan Tit - ML201025081
    calificación 3
    5 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios Two birds moving around high in a tree. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June
  10. Pacific Golden-Plover - ML201022171
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird standing in a dry rice paddy. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23
  11. Western Hooded Pitta (Philippine) - ML201022161
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird standing on the forest floor then moving. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to
  12. Western Hooded Pitta (Philippine) - ML201022151
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird standing still on the forest floor. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: J
  13. Sulphur-bellied Bulbul - ML201022141
    calificación 2
    5 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird feeding on berries in a tree. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo
  14. Sulphur-bellied Bulbul - ML201022131
    calificación 3
    5 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird perched under shady branches in a tree, calling. Elevation: 16 m. Date ad
    Sonidos Llamado
    Comportamientos Vocalizando
  15. Gray-throated Bulbul - ML201022121
    calificación 2
    5 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird moving around in a tree. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 201
  16. Palawan Flowerpecker - ML201022111
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A male feeding on fruits in a tree. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23,
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo
  17. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler (Palawan) - ML201022101
    calificación 2
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A brief shot of a bird moving around in a tree above. Elevation: 16 m. Date adde
  18. Pygmy Flowerpecker - ML201022091
    calificación 2
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A female moving around in a tree. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2
  19. Asian Koel - ML201022081
    calificación 2
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A male perched in a distant tree. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2
  20. Palawan Flycatcher - ML201022071
    calificación 3
    5 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird perched on a bare branch then flying away. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to
    Comportamientos Volando
  21. Palawan Blue Flycatcher - ML201022061
    calificación 2
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A male singing from a shaded branch then flying away. Elevation: 16 m. Date adde
    Sonidos Canto
    Comportamientos Volando; Vocalizando
  22. Palawan Babbler - ML201022051
    calificación 2
    4 calificaciones
    Palawan, Philippines
    Comentarios A bird singing a duet with another bird from a tree above. Elevation: 16 m. Date
    Sonidos Duetos; Canto
    Comportamientos Vocalizando