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  1. Caspian Gull - ML201537281
    calificación 5
    5 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A second year bird eating a fish. Elevation: 77 m. Date added to IBC: September
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo
  2. Black-tailed Godwit (limosa) - ML201537251
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios Two adults foraging and calling. Elevation: 77 m. Date added to IBC: September 2
    Sonidos Llamado
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo; Vocalizando
  3. Caspian Gull - ML201537211
    calificación 5
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios An adult turning around. Elevation: 77 m. Date added to IBC: September 29, 2016.
  4. Caspian Gull - ML201537121
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A third year bird walking and eating from the water surface. Elevation: 77 m. Da
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo
  5. Caspian Gull - ML201537111
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of a second and a third year birds walking on shallow water.
  6. Caspian Gull - ML201537081
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios Two second year birds extending their wings and making the underwing pattern vis
  7. Caspian Gull - ML201537071
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios An adult resting on the ground turning its head and showing its dark eyes and he
  8. Caspian Gull - ML201537061
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of a second year bird swallowing a fish. Elevation: 77 m. Dat
  9. Gray Heron (Gray) - ML201536971
    calificación 5
    10 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios Two views at slow motion of two birds taking off. Elevation: 77 m. Date added to
    Comportamientos Volando
  10. Red-backed Shrike - ML201536961
    calificación 5
    5 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A facing male perched on a branch, moving its tail and preening. Elevation: 77 m
  11. Eurasian Moorhen - ML201536921
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of a bird walking and eating. Elevation: 77 m. Date added to
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo
  12. Black Stork - ML201536821
    calificación 5
    8 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A close-up and details of the plumage and legs of an adult. Elevation: 77 m. Dat
  13. Black Stork - ML201536801
    calificación 5
    18 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A close view of an adult moving a caught fish at proper position and swallowing
  14. Gray Heron (Gray) - ML201536791
    calificación 5
    6 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A close-up and slow motion view of a bird with a caught fish on its bill. Elevat
  15. Gray Heron (Gray) - ML201536781
    calificación 5
    6 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A facing adult picking up a big fish and swallowing it. Elevation: 77 m. Date ad
  16. Gray Heron (Gray) - ML201534971
    calificación 5
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of a subadult bird shaking its wings and body behind an adult
  17. Eurasian Kestrel (Eurasian) - ML201534961
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A female perched on an electric pole, preening, shaking the plumage and bobbing
  18. Hooded Crow (Hooded) - ML201534941
    calificación 4
    6 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A bird perched on a wire, preening and flying away. Elevation: 77 m. Date added
    Comportamientos Volando
  19. Common Wood-Pigeon (White-necked) - ML201534891
    calificación 4
    5 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of a bird flying to a tree and displaying to another bird. El
    Comportamientos Cortejo, exhibición o cópula; Volando
  20. Gray Heron (Gray) - ML201534851
    calificación 5
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of some birds that come to pick up a fish that a Great White
  21. Great Egret (alba) - ML201534581
    calificación 5
    18 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion and close-up view of a bird swallowing a big fish. Elevation: 77 m
  22. Graylag Goose (European) - ML201534561
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios An adult standing on one leg and three chicks foraging in front of it. Elevation
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo
  23. Great Egret (alba) - ML201534521
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A close-up of a bird swallowing a fish at slow motion. Elevation: 77 m. Date add
  24. Great Egret (alba) - ML201534511
    calificación 4
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of a preening bird in breeding plumage and extending its neck
  25. Great Egret (alba) - ML201534501
    calificación 5
    5 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion of a bird picking up a fish, cleaning it and swallowing. Elevation
  26. Great Egret (alba) - ML201534491
    calificación 5
    5 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of a bird flying with a fish to prevent being robbed by a Gre
    Comportamientos Volando
  27. Gadwall (Common) - ML201532721
    calificación 4
    5 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A close view of a male closing its eyes with its lower eyelid. Elevation: 77 m.
  28. Mallard - ML201532601
    calificación 3
    4 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A slow motion view of a male in flight. Elevation: 77 m. Date added to IBC: Sept
    Comportamientos Volando
  29. Gadwall (Common) - ML201532541
    calificación 5
    9 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A male at the water's edge, preening. Elevation: 77 m. Date added to IBC: Septem
  30. Common Pochard - ML201532531
    calificación 5
    8 calificaciones
    Csongrád, Hungary
    Comentarios A female preening at the water's edge. Elevation: 77 m. Date added to IBC: Septe