Multimedia bilaketa - Macaulay Library eta eBird


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Bilatu emaitzak

  1. Common Bulbul (Common) - ML201606281
    Puntuazioa 4
    8 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A bird shaking the plumage after bathing (slow motion). Ssp inornatus. Elevation
  2. Common Bulbul (Common) - ML201606271
    Puntuazioa 4
    8 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Two birds bathing close to females Village and Olive-naped Weavers. Ssp inornatu
  3. Common Bulbul (Common) - ML201606261
    Puntuazioa 5
    8 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Slow motion view of two birds bathing. A female Village Weaver can also be seen
  4. Common Bulbul (Common) - ML201606251
    Puntuazioa 4
    8 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Several birds taking quick baths. A male Olive-naped Weaver and a female Village
  5. Common Bulbul (Common) - ML201606241
    Puntuazioa 4
    7 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A bird on a branch, shaking the plumage persistently. Ssp inornatus. Elevation:
  6. Common Bulbul (Common) - ML201606231
    Puntuazioa 4
    7 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A bird on a water bowl thinking 'to bath or not to bath', then flying to another
  7. Common Bulbul (Common) - ML201606221
    Puntuazioa 5
    7 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A bird at the edge of a water trough, finally flying to a bowl to drink. A male
  8. Village Weaver (Black-headed) - ML201606121
    Puntuazioa 5
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Several birds, in different plumages, bathing; in order of appearance, a male in
    Adina eta sexua Eme heldua - 1; Ar heldua - 2; Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - X
  9. Village Weaver (Black-headed) - ML201606111
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina An adult female drinking (with two Common Bulbuls), then joined by a moulting ma
    Portaerak Mudatzen
  10. Village Weaver (Black-headed) - ML201606101
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina An adult female (orange eye) and a juvenile (dark brown iris) in a water bowl. S
    Adina eta sexua Eme heldua - 1; Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - 1
  11. Village Weaver (Black-headed) - ML201606091
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Several birds, including a male in breeding plumage, drinking from a bowl. Ssp c
  12. Little Bee-eater - ML201603531
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Two birds taking a quick bath in flight, repeated in slow motion. Ssp pusillus.
    Portaerak Hegan
  13. Blue-spotted Wood-Dove - ML201581881
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A bird in a tree, looking around and flying away. Monotypic. Elevation: 14 m. Da
    Portaerak Hegan
  14. Blue-spotted Wood-Dove - ML201581871
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A bird on the ground. Monotypic. Elevation: 14 m. Date added to IBC: September 2
    Adina eta sexua Adina eta sexua ezezagunak - 1
  15. Blue-spotted Wood-Dove - ML201581861
    Puntuazioa 5
    7 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A bird on a branch and descending to a water trough, to drink. Monotypic. Elevat
  16. Blue-spotted Wood-Dove - ML201581851
    Puntuazioa 5
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina An alerted bird drinking. Monotypic. Elevation: 14 m. Date added to IBC: Septemb
  17. Black-billed Wood-Dove - ML201581691
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A bird drinking. Monotypic. Elevation: 14 m. Date added to IBC: September 2, 201
    Adina eta sexua Adina eta sexua ezezagunak - 1
  18. Black-headed Paradise-Flycatcher (Red-bellied) - ML201581591
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A female rubbing the bill on a vine and bathing twice in flight. Ssp rufiventer.
    Adina eta sexua Eme heldua - 1
    Portaerak Hegan
  19. Black-headed Paradise-Flycatcher (Red-bellied) - ML201581581
    Puntuazioa 5
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A female on a vine, looking around, and flying to a branch. Ssp rufiventer. Elev
    Adina eta sexua Eme heldua - 1
    Portaerak Hegan
  20. Western Bluebill (Western) - ML201581511
    Puntuazioa 5
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Brief view of a male drinking, repeated in slow motion (50%). Ssp haematina. Ele
    Adina eta sexua Ar heldua - 1
  21. Western Bluebill (Western) - ML201581501
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A male in a dense bush, preening. Ssp haematina. Elevation: 14 m. Date added to
  22. Western Bluebill (Western) - ML201581491
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina An alert male perched and going for a quick drink. Ssp haematina. Elevation: 14
    Adina eta sexua Ar heldua - 1
  23. Western Bluebill (Western) - ML201581481
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A male on a branch and descending to bath with Common Bulbuls and Village and Ol
    Adina eta sexua Ar heldua - 1
  24. Olive-naped Weaver - ML201581381
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Slow motion view of a male taking a bath, close to a Common Bulbul and a female
  25. Olive-naped Weaver - ML201581371
    Puntuazioa 5
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Birds of different plumages, bathing. Elevation: 14 m. Date added to IBC: August
  26. Olive-naped Weaver - ML201581361
    Puntuazioa 5
    7 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Four juveniles, then only two, drinking on a water bowl. Elevation: 14 m. Date a
  27. Olive-naped Weaver - ML201581351
    Puntuazioa 5
    7 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina Two juveniles drinking close to a group of Bronze Mannikins. Elevation: 14 m. Da
  28. Olive-naped Weaver - ML201581341
    Puntuazioa 5
    7 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A juvenile drinking and flying away. Elevation: 14 m. Date added to IBC: August
    Adina eta sexua Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - 1
    Portaerak Hegan
  29. Olive-naped Weaver - ML201581331
    Puntuazioa 5
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina A juvenile on a water bowl defending its position in front of a Common Bulbul. E
    Adina eta sexua Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - 1
  30. Olive-naped Weaver - ML201581321
    Puntuazioa 5
    6 puntuazio
    Western, Gambia
    Iruzkina An adult female drinking, being joined by a juvenile (indistinct eyestripe and l
    Adina eta sexua Eme heldua - 2; Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - 1