Multimedia bilaketa - Macaulay Library eta eBird


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Bilatu emaitzak

  1. Mokozabal zuria - ML201994641
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Eurasian Spoonbill : breeding plumage. Resident breeder. Elevation: 176 m. Date
  2. Asian Openbill - ML201994601
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Asian Openbill : with Eurasian Spoonbill and Indian Spotbill. All three species
  3. Cotton Pygmy-Goose - ML201994501
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Cotton Pygmy-goose : courtship and activity. Resident breeder. Elevation: 176 m.
    Portaerak Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa
  4. Asian Koel - ML201994481
    Puntuazioa 3
    6 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Western Koel : male singing. Rendering his trademark crescendo. Elevation: 176 m
    Soinuak Kantua
    Portaerak Bokalizatzen
  5. Red-wattled Lapwing - ML201979431
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Red-wattled Lapwing : Immature. Doing some wing-stretching. Elevation: 176 m. Da
  6. Cotton Pygmy-Goose - ML201979361
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Cotton Pygmy-goose : female feeding. Captured in peak of summer, just before mon
  7. Indian Spot-billed Duck - ML201979351
    Puntuazioa 4
    7 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Indian Spot-billed Duck : a group of immature individuals. Born early summer, re
  8. Black-necked Stork - ML201979181
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Black-necked Stork : Adults and Juveniles in a mixed group. Summer time in Keola
    Adina eta sexua Heldua, sexua ezezaguna - X; Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - X
  9. Eastern Cattle Egret - ML201979121
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Cattle Egret : Breeding Plumage closeup. The color is intense in breeding plumag
  10. Flamenko handia - ML201979111
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Greater Flamingo juveniles : Not a frequent sighting at Keoladeo National Park.
  11. Yellow-throated Sparrow - ML201977011
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Chestnut-shouldered Bush-sparrow : Immature feeding. Mid-day record of this resi
  12. Wire-tailed Swallow - ML201976991
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Wire-tailed Swallow : Post-noon activity on a very hot summer day. It was a very
  13. Striated Heron (Old World) - ML201976981
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Green-backed Heron : Recording with amazing soundscape at Bharatpur. It was feed
  14. Pied Bushchat - ML201976941
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Pied Bushchat - Immature . Feeding actively. Elevation: 176 m. Date added to IBC
  15. Watercock - ML201976741
    Puntuazioa 3
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Watercock : Male with a fabulous horn. First sighting of the season at Keoladeo
  16. Streak-throated Swallow - ML201976731
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Streak-throated Swallow : Mixed group with Wire-tailed Swallow. Juveniles and ad
  17. Asian Green Bee-eater - ML201976721
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Asian Green Bee-eater : Immature. The species breeds inside the Keoladeo Nationa
  18. Pied Cuckoo - ML201976701
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Jacobin Cuckoo : Calling and feeding- a closeup. Start arriving in pre-monsoon t
    Soinuak Deia
    Portaerak Bokalizatzen
  19. Asian Woolly-necked Stork - ML201976681
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Asian Woollyneck : Pair showing breeding plumage. The species breeds inside the
  20. Mokozabal zuria - ML201974631
    Puntuazioa 5
    6 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Eurasian Spoonbill : developing breeding plumage in pre-monsoon time. Also seen
  21. Greater Painted-Snipe - ML201974581
    Puntuazioa 5
    7 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Greater Painted-snipe : Male closeup. He was feeding actively feeding close to t
  22. White-breasted Waterhen - ML201974571
    Puntuazioa 4
    6 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina White-breasted Waterhen : Crossing a road at Keoladeo. They were actively callin
  23. Murgilari arrea - ML201974561
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Ferruginous Duck : An unusual sighting in high Indian summer !!!. This a winter
  24. Txirritxo txikia (dubius/jerdoni) - ML201974551
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Little Ringed Plover : A lovely pair. This was our first record of this bird her
  25. Sarus Crane - ML201974511
    Puntuazioa 4
    7 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Sarus Crane : Parents feeding and teaching the youngster, a few weeks old. Some
  26. Zankaluzea - ML201974491
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Black-winged Stilt : Chick feeding independently. Spring-Summer - 100 ... Summer
  27. Sai zuria - ML201974481
    Puntuazioa 4
    5 puntuazio
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
    Iruzkina Egyptian Vulture : Scavenging. A team of scavengers ..... Nature's workforce to