Multimedia bilaketa - Macaulay Library eta eBird


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Bilatu emaitzak

  1. West Indian Woodpecker - ML200879641
    Puntuazioa 4
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Female in tree, ejecting pellets from its mouth. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to I
  2. Tawny-shouldered Blackbird - ML200879631
    Puntuazioa 2
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Bird perches in and moves about a tree, singing intermittently. Elevation: 9 m.
    Soinuak Kantua
    Portaerak Bokalizatzen
  3. Tawny-shouldered Blackbird - ML200879621
    Puntuazioa 2
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina A single bird picks up food from the ground. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC:
  4. Tawny-shouldered Blackbird - ML200879611
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Bird takes food to its nest, performs a brief display, preens, flies off. Elevat
    Portaerak Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa
    Etiketak Habia
  5. Tawny-shouldered Blackbird - ML200879601
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Bird perched on branch, flexes wings & calls. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC:
    Soinuak Deia
    Portaerak Bokalizatzen
  6. Ubarroi mottoduna (Atlantikokoa) - ML200879591
    Puntuazioa 4
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adults with nests & juveniles. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Adina eta sexua Heldua, sexua ezezaguna - X; Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - X
    Etiketak Habia
  7. Txirritxo handia - ML200879581
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adult on beach, plays dead or wounded then walks towards the camera. Elevation:
  8. Txirritxo handia - ML200879571
    Puntuazioa 2
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adult on beach, feeding, calling & head-bobbing. Elevation: 13 m. Date added to
    Soinuak Deia
    Portaerak Janari bila edo jaten; Bokalizatzen
  9. Txirritxo handia - ML200879561
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adult on beach settles in depression, calls, mimics retreat. Elevation: 13 m. Da
    Soinuak Deia
    Portaerak Bokalizatzen
  10. Red-legged Thrush (Cuban) - ML200879551
    Puntuazioa 2
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Bird feeds on ground, wipes beak, calls and climbs branch of a tree. Elevation:
    Soinuak Deia
    Portaerak Janari bila edo jaten; Bokalizatzen
  11. Red-legged Thrush (Cuban) - ML200879541
    Puntuazioa 2
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Bird perched on branch, singing. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 201
    Soinuak Kantua
    Portaerak Bokalizatzen
  12. Willow Ptarmigan (Red Grouse) - ML200879531
    Puntuazioa 2
    1 Puntuazioa
    Joe Angseesing
    Durham, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adult male walking on the moor; a female is seen with him near the end. Elevatio
  13. Pottorro arrunta - ML200879521
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adult trying to manoevre its chick on a rock ledge. Elevation: 0 m. Date added t
  14. Lanperna-musua - ML200879511
    Puntuazioa 4
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adults standing, walking & resting . Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22,
  15. Lanperna-musua - ML200879501
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adults flexing wings, running & making short flights. Elevation: 0 m. Date added
    Portaerak Hegan
  16. Haitz-usoa (etxekoa) Columba livia (Feral Pigeon)
    ML200879491 eBird zerrenda S65013420 Salatu
    Haitz-usoa (etxekoa) - ML200879491
    Puntuazioa 2
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Sicilia, Italy
    Iruzkina Young birds in a nest hole in a wall. Elevation: 169 m. Date added to IBC: June
  17. Northern Mockingbird - ML200879481
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Juvenile, standing on a branch. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016
  18. Northern Mockingbird - ML200879471
    Puntuazioa 3
    5 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Juvenile foraging, begging & being fed; both parents are also seen. Elevation: 9
    Portaerak Janari bila edo jaten
  19. Northern Mockingbird - ML200879461
    Puntuazioa 4
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Adult perched in tree, singing. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016
    Soinuak Kantua
    Portaerak Bokalizatzen
  20. Negu-txirta - ML200879451
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adult carries food in bill, gives alarm call, stands on 2 legs & 1 leg, moves be
    Soinuak Deia
    Portaerak Janaria garraiatzen; Bokalizatzen
  21. Antxeta hankabeltza (tridactyla) - ML200879441
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adults, neighbours squabble on a nesting ledge. Elevation: 13 m. Date added to I
    Etiketak Habia
  22. Antxeta hankabeltza (tridactyla) - ML200879431
    Puntuazioa 4
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adults & chicks on nesting ledges. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2
    Etiketak Habia
  23. Martin arrunta - ML200879421
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Several adults and one chick on a rock ledge. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC:
  24. Greater Antillean Grackle - ML200879411
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Adult walking, feeding and running across the ground. Elevation: 9 m. Date added
    Portaerak Janari bila edo jaten
  25. Greater Antillean Grackle - ML200879401
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Adult gathers nest material in its beak. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Portaerak Habia eraikitzen
    Etiketak Habia
  26. Greater Antillean Grackle - ML200879391
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Ground feeding interrupted by a male's tail-fanning display. Elevation: 9 m. Dat
    Portaerak Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa
  27. Greater Antillean Grackle - ML200879381
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Male displaying on the edge of a veranda. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC: Jun
    Portaerak Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa
  28. Greater Antillean Grackle - ML200879371
    Puntuazioa 3
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Mayabeque, Cuba
    Iruzkina Different calls, and some display. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2
    Portaerak Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa
  29. Kardantxiloa [carduelis Taldekoa] - ML200879361
    Puntuazioa 2
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Sicilia, Italy
    Iruzkina Adult singing on a wire. Elevation: 437 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Soinuak Kantua
    Portaerak Bokalizatzen
  30. Eider arrunta (eurasiarra) - ML200879351
    Puntuazioa 2
    4 puntuazio
    Joe Angseesing
    Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
    Iruzkina Adult male swimming, post-breeding plumage. Elevation: 13 m. Date added to IBC: