Recherche de fichiers audio-visuels - Macaulay Library et eBird


Résultats de recherche

  1. Milan noir (aegyptius/parasitus) - ML201821451
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult at a waterhole. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  2. Rollier à longs brins - ML201821441
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An individual perched and preening. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
  3. Rollier à longs brins - ML201821431
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An individual perched, panting in the hot conditions and preening. Elevation: 10
  4. Eurocéphale à couronne blanche - ML201821421
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires Individuals foraging from bushes and on the ground. Elevation: 1020 m. Date adde
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  5. Ganga de Burchell - ML201821411
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An immature preening and then foraging on the ground. Elevation: 1020 m. Date ad
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  6. Ganga de Burchell - ML201821401
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires A male walking on the ground. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 201
  7. Francolin à bec rouge - ML201818961
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires A family party of adults and juveniles near a waterhole. Elevation: 1020 m. Date
    Âge et sexe Adulte, sexe inconnu - X; Juvénile, sexe inconnu - X
  8. Guêpier à queue d'aronde - ML201818951
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An individual perched and joined by a second bird with a bug then the pair perch
  9. Tourterelle du Cap - ML201818941
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An individual perched and preening. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
  10. Tourtelette émeraudine - ML201818931
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires Various individuals perched around and drinking from a bird bath. Elevation: 102
  11. Serin du Mozambique - ML201818921
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires A pair and then an individual adult perched. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IB
  12. Moineau bridé - ML201818911
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires Adults drinking at a bird bath. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2
  13. Moineau bridé - ML201818901
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult perched in a bush. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    Âge et sexe Adulte, sexe inconnu - 1
  14. Serin à gorge noire - ML201818891
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires A male perched. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    Âge et sexe Mâle adulte - 1
  15. Messager sagittaire - ML201818881
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires Individuals arriving at, drinking from and then leaving a waterhole. Elevation:
  16. Épervier shikra (sphenurus/polyzonoides) - ML201818871
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult perched and partially hidden in the bare branches of a tree. Elevation:
  17. Épervier shikra (sphenurus/polyzonoides) - ML201818861
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult perched on a dead tree branch. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: Ju
  18. Cisticole grise - ML201818851
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires A partially hidden individual preening. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: Ju
  19. Bagadais casqué - ML201818841
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult eating a stick-insect and then perched (with the insect's legs protrudi
    Sons Cri
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation; Vocalisation
  20. Bagadais casqué - ML201818831
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires A small flock of adults and immatures foraging through the bush. Elevation: 1020
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  21. Sporopipe squameux - ML201818821
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires Three birds around their communal nest site. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IB
  22. Calao de Bradfield - ML201818811
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires Individuals foraging on the ground. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  23. Milan noir (aegyptius/parasitus) - ML201818801
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult in flight at a waterhole. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23
    Comportements En vol
  24. Aigle martial - ML201818791
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult standing on the ground with prey. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC:
  25. Alouette fauve (groupe africanoides) - ML201818781
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult foraging on the ground and singing. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IB
    Sons Chant
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation; Vocalisation
  26. Mahali à sourcils blancs (pectoralis) - ML201818771
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires Adults foraging on the ground. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  27. Cratérope bicolore - ML201818761
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires A small flock perched in a bush with Red-billed Buffalo-Weavers. Elevation: 1020
  28. Gonolek rouge et noir - ML201818751
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires An adult on the ground and then perched in a bush. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added
  29. Calao leucomèle - ML201818741
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires A female perched in a bush. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  30. Calao leucomèle - ML201818731
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
    Commentaires Two males standing on the ground. Elevation: 1020 m. Date added to IBC: June 23,