Recherche de fichiers audio-visuels - Macaulay Library et eBird


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Résultats de recherche

  1. Myzomèle écarlate - ML204343891
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Gympie, Queensland, Australia
    Commentaires Scarlet Myzomela (Honeyeater) perched. Elevation: 1 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
  2. Méliphage de Macleay - ML204342271
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Tablelands, Queensland, Australia
    Commentaires Macleay's Honeyeater feeding on grevillia. Elevation: 418 m. Date added to IBC:
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  3. Méliphage à bec grêle - ML204342231
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Kentish, Tasmania, Australia
    Commentaires Eastern Spinebill feeding on a calistamon. Elevation: 67 m. Date added to IBC: J
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  4. Aigrette à face blanche - ML204342171
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Clarence Valley, New South Wales, Australia
    Commentaires White-faced Heron resting on the river bank. Elevation: 6 m. Date added to IBC:
  5. Acanthize à croupion roux - ML204347991
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Central Desert, Northern Territory, Australia
    Commentaires Chestnut-rumped Thornbill perched on a branch. Elevation: 649 m. Date added to I
  6. Méliphage lancéolé - ML204343911
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Carrathool, New South Wales, Australia
    Commentaires Striped Honeyeater perched. Elevation: 227 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  7. Promérops du Cap - ML204371081
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Western Cape, South Africa
    Commentaires Female Cape Sugarbird perched on a protea. Elevation: 244 m. Date added to IBC:
  8. Zostérops du Cap (capensis) - ML204370891
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Western Cape, South Africa
    Commentaires Cape White-eye perched on a plant. Elevation: 244 m. Date added to IBC: June 21,
  9. Martin-chasseur à ailes bleues - ML204344071
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Derby-West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia
    Commentaires Blue-winged Kookaburra perched and calling from a tree-top. Elevation: 23 m. Dat
    Comportements Vocalisation
  10. Acanthize à collier roux - ML204368611
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Unincorporated SA, South Australia, Australia
    Commentaires Chestnut-breasted Whiteface perched on a saltbush. Elevation: 203 m. Date added
  11. Perruche de Bourke - ML204344171
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Paroo, Queensland, Australia
    Commentaires Bourke's Parrot foraging on the ground. Elevation: 196 m. Date added to IBC: Jun
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  12. Guêpier arc-en-ciel - ML204371201
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Derby-West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia
    Commentaires Female Rainbow Bee-eater perched on a stump. Elevation: 6 m. Date added to IBC:
  13. Epthianure orangée - ML204346151
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Coober Pedy, South Australia, Australia
    Commentaires Sub-adult male foraging . Elevation: 208 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  14. Rhipidure des mangroves - ML204347911
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Carpentaria, Queensland, Australia
    Commentaires Mangrove Fantail foraging. Elevation: 4 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  15. Epthianure à front blanc - ML204371271
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Leeton, New South Wales, Australia
    Commentaires Male White-fronted Chat perched on a cumbungi reed. Elevation: 132 m. Date added
  16. Pélican à lunettes - ML204346291
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Clarence Valley, New South Wales, Australia
    Commentaires Australian Pelican swimming in the Wooli River. Elevation: 24 m. Date added to I
  17. Traquet à ventre roux - ML204368911
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires Mocking Cliff-chat perched on a rock. Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC: June
  18. Méliphage serti - ML204346211
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    MacDonnell, Northern Territory, Australia
    Commentaires White-plumed Honeyeater drinking under a dripping tap. Elevation: 660 m. Date ad
  19. Pic cardinal - ML204368861
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Northern Cape, South Africa
    Commentaires Cardinal Woodpecker foraging on a tree trunk. Elevation: 967 m. Date added to IB
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  20. Coucou menu - ML204371341
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Litchfield, Northern Territory, Australia
    Commentaires Little Bronze Cuckoo perched in a tree. Elevation: 19 m. Date added to IBC: June
  21. Miro des mangroves - ML204344421
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Cairns, Queensland, Australia
    Commentaires Mangrove Robin foraging on the ground. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  22. Souimanga chalybé - ML204370871
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Western Cape, South Africa
    Commentaires Male Southern Double-collared Sunbird feeding on a protea. Elevation: 244 m. Dat
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  23. Acanthize troglodyte - ML204346011
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Carrathool, New South Wales, Australia
    Commentaires Inland Thornbill displaying on a branch. Elevation: 418 m. Date added to IBC: Ju
    Comportements Cour, parade ou copulation
  24. Cacatoès corella - ML204371311
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Northeast Top End, Northern Territory, Australia
    Commentaires Little Corella feeding on berries. Elevation: 12 m. Date added to IBC: June 21,
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  25. Géopélie placide - ML204346481
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Hinchinbrook, Queensland, Australia
    Commentaires Peaceful Dove foraging on the ground. Elevation: 15 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  26. Miro à capuchon - ML204346221
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    MacDonnell, Northern Territory, Australia
    Commentaires Male Hooded Robin perched in a bush. Elevation: 660 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
  27. Pluvier roux (aquilonius) - ML204371161
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Far North District, Northland, New Zealand
    Commentaires Red-breasted Plover resting on a beach. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June
  28. Héron strié - ML204342161
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Cairns, Queensland, Australia
    Commentaires Green-backed (Striated) Heron hunting on the mud flats. Elevation: 1 m. Date add
  29. Séricorne rougegorge - ML204344371
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Port Augusta, South Australia, Australia
    Commentaires Adult male Redthroat perched on a dead branch. Elevation: 6 m. Date added to IBC
  30. Francolin criard - ML204368681
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Rhonda Hansch
    Western Cape, South Africa
    Commentaires Cape Francolin and chick grazing in the gardens. Elevation: 244 m. Date added to