Recherche de fichiers audio-visuels - Macaulay Library et eBird


Service offert par Macaulay Library et eBird

Résultats de recherche

  1. Héron pourpré - ML204880831
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Adult flying by. Elevation: 7 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Comportements En vol
  2. Tohi à bec orange (groupe aurantiirostris) - ML204846551
    évaluation 4
    8 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Heredia, Costa Rica
    Commentaires Bird in search for some food. Elevation: 51 m. Date added to IBC: October 5, 201
  3. Bécassine des marais - ML204846641
    évaluation 5
    9 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Bird´s feeling threatened by an attacking Pied Avocet. Elevation: 0 m. Date adde
  4. Accenteur montanelle - ML204846621
    évaluation 5
    4 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Awaited mega rarity finaly shows itself in the open. First for The Netherlands.
  5. Martin-chasseur à tête grise - ML204880741
    évaluation 5
    4 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Central River, Gambia
    Commentaires Adult perched. Elevation: 5 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Âge et sexe Adulte, sexe inconnu - 1
  6. Chevalier guignette - ML204846431
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires posing in the late daylight. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: September 8, 201
  7. Amarante du Sénégal - ML204878101
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Banjul, Gambia
    Commentaires Female is arranging man's feathers for photoshoot. Elevation: 7 m. Date added to
  8. Rossignol calliope - ML204844201
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Awesome rarity showing itself beautifully. Elevation: 1 m. Date added to IBC: Ju
  9. Autour sombre - ML204846471
    évaluation 5
    8 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Central River, Gambia
    Commentaires Bird on a dead tree top. Elevation: 7 m. Date added to IBC: September 8, 2016.
  10. Hirondelle de fenêtre - ML204846211
    évaluation 4
    8 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Catching an insect. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: July 17, 2016.
  11. Faucon crécerellette - ML204843801
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Adult male hunting. Elevation: 4 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  12. Harle huppé - ML204880941
    évaluation 4
    7 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Male swimming closeby. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  13. Pluvian fluviatile - ML204880401
    évaluation 5
    4 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Central River, Gambia
    Commentaires Bird posing nicely on the side of a pool. Elevation: 9 m. Date added to IBC: Jun
  14. Chevêche d'Athéna - ML204878311
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Keeping a good eye on me. Elevation: 271 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  15. Spatule blanche - ML204846561
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Bird feeding on shrimps. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: October 5, 2016.
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  16. Pouillot brun - ML204880921
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Very rare vagrant wintering. Elevation: 1 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  17. Sterne caugek (sandvicensis) - ML204878041
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires A bird returning from the sea to feed his chick. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to I
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  18. Souimanga à longue queue - ML204846591
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Banjul, Gambia
    Commentaires Posing in the late afternoon. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: October 30, 20
  19. Guifette noire - ML204844041
    évaluation 5
    6 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Bird calling while hoovering. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Comportements Vocalisation
  20. Guêpier d'Europe - ML204878161
    évaluation 5
    9 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Keeping the love alive. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  21. Vanneau à éperons - ML204843941
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Rare migrant in the last sunlight of the day. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC:
  22. Aigrette garzette (garzetta) - ML204844001
    évaluation 5
    4 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Bird catching fish. Elevation: 4 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  23. Plectrophane des neiges - ML204880771
    évaluation 5
    6 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Bird foraging in the dunes. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  24. Astrild-caille à lunettes - ML204880391
    évaluation 4
    8 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Central River, Gambia
    Commentaires Bird foraging between the ricefields. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: June 22
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  25. Combattant varié - ML204843921
    évaluation 5
    4 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Two birds chilling. Elevation: 4 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  26. Organiste olive - ML204846411
    évaluation 5
    7 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Heredia, Costa Rica
    Commentaires Female posing. Elevation: 52 m. Date added to IBC: September 8, 2016.
    Mots clés Ligne des hautes eaux
  27. Traquet pie - ML204880861
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
    Commentaires Rare visitor in one of our polders. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22,
  28. Sterne naine - ML204843821
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Adult hunting for fish. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  29. Rollier d'Abyssinie - ML204846491
    évaluation 5
    7 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Central River, Gambia
    Commentaires Perfect flyby of an adult bird with prey. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to IBC: Oct
    Comportements En vol
  30. Bruant cendré - ML204880961
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Mattias Hofstede
    Lesvos, Northern Aegean, Greece
    Commentaires Male calling in a top of a tree. Elevation: 444 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2
    Comportements Vocalisation