Recherche de fichiers audio-visuels - Macaulay Library et eBird


Service offert par Macaulay Library et eBird

Résultats de recherche

  1. Outarde de Rüppell - ML205837291
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Erongo, Namibia
    Commentaires A male walking in the grass. Elevation: 800 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  2. Traquet tractrac - ML205837251
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Erongo, Namibia
    Commentaires A bird on a stone. Elevation: 297 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  3. Baza coucou - ML205837381
    évaluation 4
    7 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird perched on a tree in the Botanic Garden of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.
  4. Agrobate brun - ML205837371
    évaluation 4
    7 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird feeding on the ground. Same bird as in video. Elevation: 40 m. Date added
    Âge et sexe Âge inconnu, sexe inconnu - 1
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  5. Francolin de Swainson - ML205837341
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires A bird stretching its wing. Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  6. Circaète à poitrine noire - ML205837261
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Erongo, Namibia
    Commentaires A bird perching on a pole. Elevation: 1592 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  7. Percnoptère d'Égypte - ML205837311
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
    Commentaires Two birds perched on the Taj Mahal. Although not a good picture, it documents th
  8. Bec-ouvert africain - ML205837271
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Oshikoto, Namibia
    Commentaires A huge group flying . Elevation: 1087 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
    Comportements En vol
  9. Martin-pêcheur géant - ML205837351
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires A female on a bridge. Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  10. Barbican promépic - ML205837361
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires A bird in a hide (again). Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  11. Faucon d'Éléonore - ML205837331
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer, Morocco
    Commentaires A juvenile perched at the Salé colony. The Salé colony (about 25 breeding pairs)
  12. Crécerelle aux yeux blancs - ML205837281
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Oshikoto, Namibia
    Commentaires A bird eating a mouse on the ground. Elevation: 1087 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  13. Rufipenne nabouroup - ML205837301
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Erongo, Namibia
    Commentaires Four birds on a rock. Elevation: 800 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  14. Chevêche des terriers - ML201935371
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Itapúa, Paraguay
    Commentaires A bird on a wall. Elevation: 159 m. Date added to IBC: June 28, 2016.
  15. Souimanga murin - ML201935361
    évaluation 5
    6 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird feeding on flowers at the Botanic Gardens of the Eduardo Mondlane Univers
    Comportements Recherche de nourriture ou alimentation
  16. Baza coucou - ML201935351
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A juvenile perched on a tree in the Botanic Garden of Universidade Eduardo Mondl
  17. Agrobate brun - ML201935341
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird singing in a dune forest. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
    Sons Chant
    Comportements Vocalisation
  18. Anhinga d'Afrique - ML201935331
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires An adult bird perched. Lake Panic, Skukuza. Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC:
  19. Bateleur des savanes - ML201935321
    évaluation 5
    6 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires An adult pecking at the rests of a kill. Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC: Ju
  20. Barbican promépic - ML201935311
    évaluation 5
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires A very hungry bird trying to steal some cheese. The Crested Barbets in this hide
  21. Grand-duc de Verreaux - ML201935301
    évaluation 5
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires An interaction between a Verreaux's Eagle Owl and a Vervet Monkey (Chlorocebus p
  22. Cossyphe à calotte rousse - ML201935291
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird perched on a fence. Elevation: 34 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  23. Barbican promépic - ML201935281
    évaluation 5
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires A bird on a tree (same location as previous video). Elevation: 286 m. Date added
  24. Cossyphe à calotte rousse - ML201935271
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird on the floor in an urban park. Elevation: 34 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
  25. Coucou de Klaas - ML201935261
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird preening, urban park. Elevation: 34 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  26. Autour unibande - ML201935251
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Maputo, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird perching on a tree in an urban park. Elevation: 34 m. Date added to IBC:
  27. Bateleur des savanes - ML201935241
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires An adult perching on a tree. Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  28. Francolin de Swainson - ML201935231
    évaluation 5
    5 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires A bird on a culvert. Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  29. Barbican promépic - ML201935221
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Limpopo, South Africa
    Commentaires A bird on a bird-hide!. Elevation: 286 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  30. Cossyphe à gorge blanche - ML201935211
    évaluation 4
    4 évaluations
    Nacho Aransay
    Gaza, Mozambique
    Commentaires A bird singing on a tree in a misty morning. Elevation: 7 m. Date added to IBC:
    Sons Chant
    Comportements Vocalisation