Ricerca contenuti multimediali - Macaulay Library e eBird


Offerto da Macaulay Library e eBird

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  1. Siamese Fireback - ML205865071
    valutazione 5
    15 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale ?????????????????Phu Khieo????????2012???????. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to I
  2. Gallo bankiva - ML205865161
    valutazione 4
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale 一只公的原鸡带3只母鸡清晨在Phu Khieo野生动物保护区觅食!. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 21,
  3. Siamese Fireback - ML205865081
    valutazione 3
    5 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale Phu Khieo???????????. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  4. Hainan Blue Flycatcher - ML204648031
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A male bird. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Età e sesso Maschio adulto - 1
  5. Black-and-buff Woodpecker - ML201158971
    valutazione 2
    5 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird drumming on the tree trunk. Unfortunately the view is blocked by a leaf.
    Suoni Non vocale
  6. Black-and-buff Woodpecker - ML201158961
    valutazione 2
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird drumming on the tree trunk. Unfortunately the view is blocked by a leaf.
    Suoni Non vocale
  7. Puff-throated Bulbul (Puff-throated) - ML201158781
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bathing bird. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  8. Puff-throated Bulbul (Puff-throated) - ML201158771
    valutazione 4
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird taking a bath. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  9. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler (Pin-striped) - ML201158761
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale Two birds, one taking a bath. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016
  10. Stripe-throated Bulbul - ML201158751
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird taking a bath. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  11. Ashy Bulbul (Ashy) - ML201158731
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird taking a bath. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  12. Ashy Bulbul (Ashy) - ML201158721
    valutazione 2
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale Two birds taking a bath. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  13. Siamese Fireback - ML201158711
    valutazione 4
    5 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A male bird scratch his head and comes towards me. Elevation: 773 m. Date added
  14. Siamese Fireback - ML201158701
    valutazione 4
    5 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A male bird foraging on the forrest floor. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC:
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  15. Siamese Fireback - ML201158691
    valutazione 4
    5 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A male bird at close distance, foraging around on the forrest floor. Elevation:
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  16. Black-crested Bulbul - ML201151121
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird taking a bath. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  17. Red-billed Blue-Magpie - ML201151101
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird on a branch, later three birds in a tree feeding on vigs. Elevation: 773
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  18. Green Peafowl - ML201151091
    valutazione 3
    6 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale Two female birds disapearing in the forrest bushes. Elevation: 773 m. Date added
  19. Black-naped Monarch - ML201151081
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A male bird on a branch and flying away to take a dip in the pool. Elevation: 77
    Comportamenti In volo
  20. Black Bulbul - ML201151071
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird shaking of the water from its feathers on a branch and going to bath agai
  21. Red-billed Blue-Magpie - ML201151061
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale Two birds in a three feeding on vigs. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June
  22. White-bellied Erpornis - ML201151041
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird dipping in to take a bath. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 22,
  23. White-bellied Erpornis - ML201151031
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale Two birds on a branch after taking a bath. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC:
  24. Gray-eyed Bulbul (Gray-eyed) - ML201151021
    valutazione 3
    5 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale Two birds taking a bath to cool of, in the mid-day heat. Elevation: 773 m. Date
  25. Red-headed Trogon - ML201151011
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A dorsal view of a male bird perched on a branch and flying away. Elevation: 773
    Comportamenti In volo
  26. Siamese Fireback - ML201119491
    valutazione 3
    5 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird coming to the camera, to defent his terretory. Elevation: 773 m. Date add
  27. White-crested Laughingthrush - ML201088351
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird foraging around. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  28. Himalayan Swiftlet (Himalayan) - ML201088011
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A group of birds flying over the water and dipping in. Elevation: 773 m. Date ad
    Comportamenti In volo
  29. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher - ML201087981
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A male bathing. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    Età e sesso Maschio adulto - 1
  30. Eurasian Jay (White-faced) - ML201087971
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird calling from a tree top. Elevation: 773 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
    Suoni Richiamo
    Comportamenti In canto