Ricerca contenuti multimediali - Macaulay Library e eBird


Offerto da Macaulay Library e eBird

Cerca risultati

  1. Western Wattled-Honeyeater - ML626993952
    Western, Fiji
  2. Barking Imperial-Pigeon - ML626991920
    Western, Fiji
  3. Pacific Kingfisher - ML626991849
    Western, Fiji
  4. Metallic Pigeon - ML626991834
    Western, Fiji
  5. Sulphur-breasted Myzomela - ML622256225
    Western, Fiji
  6. Masked Shining-Parrot - ML622256201
    Western, Fiji
  7. Golden Dove - ML622256170
    Western, Fiji
  8. Golden Dove - ML622256169
    Western, Fiji
  9. Many-colored Fruit-Dove - ML622256141
    Western, Fiji
  10. Fiji Parrotfinch - ML622191674
    valutazione 5
    1 valutazione
    Western, Fiji
  11. Red-vented Bulbul - ML608602799
    Western, Fiji
  12. Fiji Parrotfinch - ML608602714
    valutazione 5
    7 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
  13. Polynesian Triller - ML608602653
    valutazione 5
    1 valutazione
    Western, Fiji
  14. Fiji Woodswallow - ML608602490
    Western, Fiji
  15. Fiji Woodswallow - ML608602489
    Western, Fiji
  16. Pacific Kingfisher - ML608602151
    Western, Fiji
  17. Pacific Kingfisher - ML608602133
    Western, Fiji
  18. Lesser Frigatebird (Lesser) - ML201464351
    valutazione 5
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale Two adult females overflying a colony. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
    Comportamenti In volo
  19. Lesser Frigatebird (Lesser) - ML201464341
    valutazione 4
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale A close-up of a young bird in its nest, seen from below. Elevation: 2 m. Date ad
    Tag Nido
  20. Lesser Frigatebird (Lesser) - ML201464331
    valutazione 4
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale Several adults resting and preening in the nest. Elevation: 2 m. Date added to I
  21. Lesser Frigatebird (Lesser) - ML201464321
    valutazione 5
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale An adult male close to its chick in the nest, and the chick yawning. Elevation:
    Tag Nido
  22. Lesser Frigatebird (Lesser) - ML201464311
    valutazione 5
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale Big group of birds in flight over a colony and several of them landing in their
    Comportamenti In volo
    Tag Nido
  23. Black Noddy (minutus Group) - ML201464301
    valutazione 5
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale Several birds perched on rocks, close to the sea, interacting and looking alert.
  24. Black Noddy (minutus Group) - ML201464291
    valutazione 4
    5 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale A young bird perched in a tree, whistling, seen from below. Elevation: 0 m. Date
  25. Black Noddy (minutus Group) - ML201464281
    valutazione 4
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird landing on a rock, close to a Brown Booby and flying off. Elevation: 2 m.
    Comportamenti In volo
  26. Black Noddy (minutus Group) - ML201464271
    valutazione 4
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale Two birds perched on a trunk performing a display, bending down the head several
    Comportamenti In corteggiamento, display o copula
  27. Black Noddy (minutus Group) - ML201464261
    valutazione 5
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird preening among a group of individuals, on top of a tree. Elevation: 2 m.
  28. Black Noddy (minutus Group) - ML201464251
    valutazione 5
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale Several views of birds perched in a tree and the last one stretching the wings a
    Comportamenti In volo
  29. Black Noddy (minutus Group) - ML201464241
    valutazione 4
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird preening its back in a tree. Elevation: 1 m. Date added to IBC: June 23,
  30. Black Noddy (minutus Group) - ML201464231
    valutazione 5
    4 valutazioni
    Western, Fiji
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird perched in a tree, scratching the head and looking around. Elevation: 2 m