Ricerca contenuti multimediali - Macaulay Library e eBird


Offerto da Macaulay Library e eBird

Cerca risultati

  1. Song Sparrow - ML153795881
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  2. Spotted Towhee - ML153795661
    valutazione 2
    1 valutazione
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  3. Wrentit - ML153795381
    valutazione 3
    1 valutazione
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  4. Wrentit - ML153795361
    valutazione 2
    1 valutazione
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  5. Cliff Swallow - ML153795161
    valutazione 4
    2 valutazioni
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  6. Rondine - ML153795121
    valutazione 2
    2 valutazioni
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  7. Violet-green Swallow - ML153794951
    valutazione 4
    2 valutazioni
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  8. Northern Rough-winged Swallow - ML153794861
    valutazione 2
    2 valutazioni
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  9. Poiana codarossa - ML153794751
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  10. Airone bianco maggiore - ML153794601
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  11. Falaropo beccosottile - ML153794421
    valutazione 4
    1 valutazione
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States
  12. Germano reale - ML153794201
    valutazione 2
    1 valutazione
    Norman Uyeda
    Younger Lagoon (restricted; access only to the overhang), Santa Cruz, California, United States