Mediasøk - Macaulay Library og eBird


Drevet av Macaulay Library og eBird

Search results

  1. hvitgumpfalk - ML205411381
    vurdering 3
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Dickinson's Kestrel Falco dickinsoni. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: Febr
  2. vanntriel - ML205409081
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Water Thick-knee(Dikkop) Burhinus vermiculatus. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to
  3. krageskjeggfugl - ML205411471
    vurdering 3
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Black-collared Barbet Lybius torquatus pumilio. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to
  4. brunslangeørn - ML205406811
    vurdering 3
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Brown Snake-Eagle Circaetus cinereus. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: Febr
  5. sotskvett - ML205416531
    vurdering 2
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Sooty Chat Myrmecocichla nigra. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: March 6, 2
  6. skogsnipe - ML205414251
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus. at seep wet area near camp. Elevation: 1182 m.
  7. gråhodepapegøye (suahelicus) - ML205414191
    vurdering 4
    6 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Poicephalus robustus suahelicus Brown-necked Parrot. Seen in large flocks at a s
  8. musvåk (vulpinus/menetriesi) (russevåk) - ML205406781
    vurdering 3
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Eurasian or Common Buzzard Buteo buteo. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: Fe
  9. gjøkbaza - ML205406771
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer immature African Cuckoo-Hawk Aviceda cuculoides. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added t
  10. trillegressanger - ML205409221
    vurdering 4
    7 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Trilling Cisticola Cisticola woosnami lufira. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to I
  11. brunslangeørn - ML205406821
    vurdering 3
    5 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Brown Snake-Eagle Circaetus cinereus. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: Febr
  12. purpurkroneturako - ML205411821
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Purple-crested Turaco Gallirex porphyreolopha chlorochlamys. Elevation: 1182 m.
  13. smekkepalmeskvett - ML205416441
    vurdering 5
    5 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Cichladusa arquata Collared Palm-thrush. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: M
  14. olivensolfugl - ML205411991
    vurdering 3
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Eastern Olive Sunbird Cyanomitra olivacea alfredi. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added
  15. vatreastrild - ML205409471
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Common Waxbill Estrilda astrild cavendishii . Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to I
  16. hærfugl - ML205416571
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Upupa epopee Common Hoopoe. Two for one, an Amethyst Starling passing through. E
  17. savanneråke (caudatus) - ML205409441
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Lilac-brested Roller Coracias caudatus caudatus. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added t
  18. afrikaerle - ML205411711
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer African Pied Wagtail Motacilla aguimp vidua. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IB
  19. skyggefugl - ML205414381
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Hamerkop Scopus umbretta umbretta. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: March 5
  20. strandsnipe - ML205414261
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos. A big stretch - seen on Wuku River near cam
  21. skyggefugl - ML205414361
    vurdering 3
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Hamerkop Scopus umbretta umbretta. at seep wet area near camp. Elevation: 1182 m
  22. okerflankeprinia - ML205409291
    vurdering 4
    5 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Tawny-flanked Prinia Prinia subflava. A different view of the world. Elevation:
  23. løvsanger - ML205414491
    vurdering 4
    5 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: Mar
  24. vepsevåk - ML205408891
    vurdering 4
    5 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer European Honey-Buzzard Pernis apivorus. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC: Fe
  25. tanzaniatoko - ML205409051
    vurdering 4
    6 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Red-billed Hornbill Tockus erythrorhynchus ruahae . Elevation: 1182 m. Date adde
  26. afrikapalmeseiler - ML205409011
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer African Palm Swift Cypsiurus parvus myochrous. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to
  27. toppørn - ML205408831
    vurdering 3
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer imm Long-Crested Eagle Lophaetus occipitalis. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to I
  28. hagebylbyl (tricolor gr.) - ML205414221
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus tricolor. Elevation: 1182 m. Date added to IBC
  29. gjøkbaza - ML205406751
    vurdering 4
    4 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer African Cuckoo-Hawk Aviceda cuculoides. Seen while driving round trip between ca
  30. svovelbuskvarsler - ML205411541
    vurdering 4
    5 vurderinger
    Theresa Bucher
    Mbeya, Tanzania
    Kommentarer Orange-breasted Bush-shrike Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus similis. Elevation: 118