Pesquisa de Média - Macaulay Library e eBird


Resultados da pesquisa

  1. Indigo Bunting - ML621100031
    Bruce Nott
    Orange, New York, United States
  2. Indigo Bunting - ML621100030
    Bruce Nott
    Orange, New York, United States
  3. Black-and-white Warbler - ML621099994
    Bruce Nott
    Orange, New York, United States
  4. Black-and-white Warbler - ML621099993
    Bruce Nott
    Orange, New York, United States
  5. Worm-eating Warbler - ML621099987
    Bruce Nott
    Orange, New York, United States
  6. Least Bittern - ML621085834
    Orange, New York, United States
  7. Common Gallinule - ML621080238
    Karen Fung
    Orange, New York, United States
    Idade e sexo Adulto, Sexo desconhecido - 1; Juvenil, Sexo desconhecido - 1
  8. Common Gallinule - ML621080236
    Karen Fung
    Orange, New York, United States
    Idade e sexo Adulto, Sexo desconhecido - 1; Juvenil, Sexo desconhecido - 1
  9. Common Gallinule - ML621080235
    Karen Fung
    Orange, New York, United States
    Idade e sexo Adulto, Sexo desconhecido - 1
  10. Neotropic Cormorant - ML621079521
    Karen Fung
    Orange, New York, United States
  11. Neotropic Cormorant - ML621079520
    Karen Fung
    Orange, New York, United States
  12. Barred Owl - ML621079452
    Orange, New York, United States
  13. Barred Owl - ML621079445
    Orange, New York, United States
  14. Barred Owl - ML621079442
    Orange, New York, United States
  15. Barred Owl - ML621079428
    Orange, New York, United States
  16. Barred Owl - ML621079424
    Orange, New York, United States
  17. Barred Owl - ML621079418
    Orange, New York, United States
  18. American Avocet - ML621078636
    classificação 4
    1 classificação
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média American Avoset between mounds of swamp hummocks remains undisturbed by passi
  19. American Avocet - ML621078637
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média Avoset contrasting color within the hummocks and wildlife make him easy spot .
  20. American Avocet - ML621078635
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média American Avoset , quick fluff and a wag of its tail feathers can be greeting or
  21. American Avocet - ML621078634
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média American Avoset in the company of ducks preening feathers on one leg.
  22. American Avocet - ML621078633
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média American Avoset after foraging in the shallow water , started hiding itself beh
  23. American Robin - ML621078413
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média Flock of juvenile American Robins flying across the marsh
  24. Killdeer - ML621078350
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média Killdeer on the prowl
  25. Killdeer - ML621078306
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média Pair of Killdeer performing the mating ritual , The male lowers his breast to
  26. Red-winged Blackbird - ML621078238
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média Red Winged Blackbird has a unidentified moth in its beak
  27. Baltimore Oriole - ML621078185
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média Female Baltimore Oriole foraging berries
  28. Barn Swallow - ML621078051
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média Adult American, Barn Swallow performing aerobatic moves just a few inches over
  29. Barn Swallow - ML621078050
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média Immature (Levant) Barn Swallow Possible Hybird . Perched on wire near its feed
  30. Barn Swallow - ML621078049
    Orange, New York, United States
    Notas sobre o média (Buff-bellied) ,Barn Swallow singing during courtship