Medya Ara - Macaulay Library ve eBird


Macaulay Library veeBird temelli çalışır

Sonuçlarda ara

  1. Kahverengi Korsanmartı (lonnbergi) - ML201080811
    derece 2
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları Two birds preening. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  2. Antarktik Dev Fırtınakuşu - ML201080801
    derece 2
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A bird swimming. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  3. Saçlı Penguen - ML201080761
    derece 3
    5 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A bird on land under the rain. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  4. Saçlı Penguen - ML201080751
    derece 2
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A group walking under the rain amongst rocks and bushes. Elevation: 0 m. Date ad
  5. Saçlı Penguen - ML201080741
    derece 2
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A group huddling under the rain. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 201
  6. Sarı Ayaklı Fırtınakırlangıcı - ML201080731
    derece 3
    5 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A bird swooping to the water´s surface to feed and then flying off. Elevation: 0
    Davranış Uçma; Beslenme
  7. Kral Penguen - ML201080721
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları An adult engaging in comfort behaviour. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June
  8. Kral Penguen - ML201080711
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A colony. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  9. Kral Penguen - ML201080701
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A close-up of the colony. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  10. Kral Penguen - ML201080691
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları An adult walking towards the camera. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22,
  11. Kral Penguen - ML201080681
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları An almost fully-grown chick walking. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22,
  12. Kral Penguen - ML201080671
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A chick. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Yaş ve cinsiyet Yavru, cinsiyet belirsiz - 1
  13. Kral Penguen - ML201080661
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A colony of penguins, amongst which two adults are playing with each other. Elev
  14. Kral Penguen - ML201080651
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları Three adults arrive at the shore and walk out of the water. Elevation: 0 m. Date
  15. Kral Penguen - ML201080641
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları An albino penguin. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  16. Ak Gezgin Albatros - ML201080631
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A pair taking part in courtship display. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Davranış Kur yapma veya çiftleşme
  17. Ak Gezgin Albatros - ML201080621
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A pair taking part in courtship display. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Davranış Kur yapma veya çiftleşme
  18. Ak Gezgin Albatros - ML201080611
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A pair taking part in courtship display. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Davranış Kur yapma veya çiftleşme
  19. Ak Gezgin Albatros - ML201080601
    derece 2
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları An adult sitting in the nest. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Etiket Yuva
  20. Ak Gezgin Albatros - ML201080591
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları An adult walking towards and sitting down in the nest. Elevation: 0 m. Date adde
    Etiket Yuva
  21. Ak Gezgin Albatros - ML201080581
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları A pair taking part in courtship display. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June
    Davranış Kur yapma veya çiftleşme
  22. Ak Gezgin Albatros - ML201080571
    derece 3
    4 dereceler
    Ramon Mascort
    South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
    Medya notları An adult flying at sea. Elevation: 0 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
    Davranış Uçma