Medya Ara - Macaulay Library ve eBird


Macaulay Library veeBird temelli çalışır

Sonuçlarda ara

  1. Çekiçkafa - ML205680601
    derece 4
    6 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Near a river. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  2. Senegal Ateşispinozu - ML205680421
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Female. Perched on a tree. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
    Yaş ve cinsiyet Yaş belirsiz, Dişi - 1
  3. Kuzeyli Drongo Sinekkapanı - ML205680441
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Perched in a tree. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  4. Afrika Balık Kartalı - ML205680731
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları With a fish catch. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  5. Amerika Taraklı Ördeği - ML205680571
    derece 4
    5 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Females. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  6. Mahmuzlu Kızkuşu - ML205682661
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Feeding on the ground. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
    Davranış Beslenme
  7. Sivri Kuyruklu Vidya - ML205682601
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Balanced on a twig. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  8. Kara Kanatlı Kızkuşu - ML205680491
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Standing on the ground. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  9. Küçük Pelikan - ML205680681
    derece 4
    6 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Juvenile swimming in the lake. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 20
  10. Turuncu Omuzlu Dulkuşu - ML205682611
    derece 4
    7 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Sitting on a plant. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  11. Çalı Serçesi - ML205680711
    derece 4
    6 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Perched on a tree. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  12. Afrika Balık Kartalı - ML205680721
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları In Flight. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
    Davranış Uçma
  13. Afrika Kızkuşu - ML205682641
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları In a flock. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  14. Kuzeyli Kırmızı Gagalı Boynuzgaga - ML205680621
    derece 4
    5 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Perched in a tree. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  15. Habeş Gökkuzgunu - ML205680451
    derece 4
    5 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Perching on a tree. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  16. Afrika Kızkuşu - ML205682651
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Portrait. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  17. Afrika Jakanası - ML205680671
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları In the lake. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  18. Afrika Keşiş Leyleği - ML205680771
    derece 4
    5 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları In flight. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
    Davranış Uçma
  19. Siyah Taçlı Turna - ML205680531
    derece 4
    7 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Standing near the lake. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  20. Mavi Aynalı Kumru - ML205680541
    derece 5
    6 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Perched on a branch. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  21. Afrika Gri Boynuzgagası - ML205680611
    derece 4
    4 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Perched in a tree. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
  22. Afrika Balık Kartalı - ML205680741
    derece 5
    5 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Immature Eagle perched in a tree. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21,
  23. Sorguçlu Kartal - ML205680751
    derece 4
    6 dereceler
    John Thompson
    Amara, Ethiopia
    Medya notları Perched on a tree. Elevation: 1787 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.