搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird


Macaulay LibraryeBird提供支持


  1. Gray Teal - ML201822781
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Mackenzie District, Canterbury, New Zealand
    媒体文件注释 A pair, with the presumed male watching over female as she feeds. Elevation: 510
    行为 觅食或者进食
  2. Black Stilt - ML201822771
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Mackenzie District, Canterbury, New Zealand
    媒体文件注释 Immatures feeding in a marshy pool and carrying radio tags. Elevation: 510 m. Da
  3. Black Stilt - ML201822761
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Mackenzie District, Canterbury, New Zealand
    媒体文件注释 Tagged adults in non-breeding plumage feeding in a shallow lagoon. Elevation: 51
  4. Black Stilt - ML201301871
    条评分 2
    4 条评分
    Brooke Clibbon
    Mackenzie District, Canterbury, New Zealand
    媒体文件注释 A bird feeding in the water. Wild bird. Elevation: 510 m. Date added to IBC: Jun
    行为 觅食或者进食