搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird



  1. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201977681
    条评分 4
    5 条评分
    Hebei, China
    媒体文件注释 Lanceolated Warbler, closeup lateral view of slightly hidden migrant bird. Filme
  2. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201977671
    条评分 5
    6 条评分
    Hebei, China
    媒体文件注释 Lanceolated Warbler, migrant, head and mantle, close up view. Filmed using a Swa
  3. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201977661
    条评分 4
    5 条评分
    Hebei, China
    媒体文件注释 Lanceolated Warbler, head and upper breast - frontal close up view, migrant bird
  4. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201977651
    条评分 5
    6 条评分
    Hebei, China
    媒体文件注释 Lanceolated Warbler, migrant, lateral and dorsal view. Filmed using a Swarovski
  5. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201608901
    条评分 4
    6 条评分
    Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan
    媒体文件注释 Male singing from low shrub. An afternoon visit to the flowerfilled dune landsca
    发声 鸣唱
    行为 发声中
  6. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201583641
    条评分 5
    8 条评分
    Sakha, Russia
    媒体文件注释 A bird moving in bushes and singing four times. Ssp lanceolata. Elevation: 260 m
    发声 鸣唱
    行为 发声中
  7. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201583631
    条评分 5
    7 条评分
    Sakha, Russia
    媒体文件注释 A bird in a bush moving and singing twice. Ssp lanceolata. Elevation: 260 m. Dat
    发声 鸣唱
    行为 发声中
  8. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201583621
    条评分 5
    7 条评分
    Sakha, Russia
    媒体文件注释 A bird in a bush singing twice. Ssp lanceolata. Elevation: 260 m. Date added to
    发声 鸣唱
    行为 发声中
  9. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201583611
    条评分 4
    7 条评分
    Sakha, Russia
    媒体文件注释 A bird moving close to the ground, singing (and being photographed!) once. Ssp l
    发声 鸣唱
    行为 发声中
  10. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201583601
    条评分 5
    8 条评分
    Sakha, Russia
    媒体文件注释 A bird perched close to the ground, singing once and going away. Ssp lanceolata.
    发声 鸣唱
    行为 发声中
  11. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201422001
    条评分 2
    4 条评分
    Thailand, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 A bird calling and moving from inside dense vegetation. Easier to see in migrati
    发声 鸣叫
    行为 发声中
  12. Lanceolated Warbler - ML201217071
    条评分 2
    4 条评分
    Rogaland, Norway
    媒体文件注释 A first winter in hand. Elevation: 14 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    标签 在手中