搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird


Macaulay LibraryeBird提供支持


  1. Double-crested Cormorant - ML621857453
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  2. Arctic Tern - ML621828307
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  3. Stilt Sandpiper - ML621655574
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  4. Savannah Sparrow - ML621655466
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  5. Osprey - ML621655443
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  6. Osprey - ML621655442
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  7. Common Redpoll - ML621655371
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  8. Pectoral Sandpiper - ML621655373
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  9. Pectoral Sandpiper - ML621655349
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  10. Semipalmated Plover - ML621636146
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  11. Ruddy Turnstone - ML621636145
    Anne Ausems
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  12. Ross's Goose - ML621598355
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  13. Northern Shrike - ML621598323
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  14. Dunlin - ML621598307
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  15. American Golden-Plover - ML621598297
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  16. Black-bellied Plover - ML621598293
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  17. Tundra Swan - ML621592814
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  18. Tundra Swan - ML621592796
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  19. Tundra Swan - ML621592794
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  20. Tundra Swan - ML621592784
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  21. Spruce Grouse - ML621592351
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  22. Pine Grosbeak - ML621592275
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  23. American Goshawk - ML621592265
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  24. Spruce Grouse - ML621592250
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  25. Willow Ptarmigan - ML621592010
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  26. Willow Ptarmigan - ML621592009
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  27. American Golden-Plover - ML621590766
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  28. Greater Yellowlegs - ML621590337
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  29. Greater Yellowlegs - ML621590333
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada
  30. Lapland Longspur - ML621589953
    France Desbiens
    Churchill and Northern Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada