搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird


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  1. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher - ML206018041
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 A female Tickell's Blue Flycatcher foraging on the ground. The Tickell's in Viet
    行为 觅食或者进食
  2. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher - ML206018081
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 Frontal view of a female Tickell's Blue Flycatcher. The Tickell's in Vietnam are
  3. Stripe-throated Bulbul - ML206018071
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 Dorsal view of a Stripe-throated Bulbul. Go to www.larsfoto.se for more than 460
  4. Ochraceous Bulbul - ML206018021
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 An Ochraceous Bulbul perched on a broken branch. Go to www.larsfoto.se for more
  5. Germain's Peacock-Pheasant - ML206018111
    条评分 5
    9 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 A female Germain's Peacock-Pheasant foraging on the forest floor. Go to www.lars
    行为 觅食或者进食
  6. Striated Swallow - ML206018151
    条评分 4
    6 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 A Striated Swallow in flight. The stanfordi subspecies is sometimes treated as a
    行为 飞行
  7. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher - ML206018091
    条评分 5
    6 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 Frontal view of a male Tickell's Blue Flycatcher looking aside. The Tickell's in
  8. Scaly-breasted Partridge (Green-legged) - ML206018121
    条评分 5
    7 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 A Green-legged Partridge standing in the shadows. A.k.a. Scaly-breasted Partridg
  9. Germain's Swiftlet - ML206018141
    条评分 4
    5 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 A Germain's Swiftlet in flight. This is one of the most widespread and common sw
    行为 飞行
  10. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher - ML206018101
    条评分 5
    6 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 Close-up view of a male Tickell's Blue Flycatcher. The Tickell's in Vietnam are
  11. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher - ML206018011
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 Frontal view of a male Tickell's Blue Flycatcher. The Tickell's in Vietnam are n
  12. Oriental Pied-Hornbill - ML206018131
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 A female Oriental Pied Hornbill in flight. Go to www.larsfoto.se for more than 4
    行为 飞行
  13. Stripe-throated Bulbul - ML206018031
    条评分 4
    4 条评分
    Dong Nai, Vietnam
    媒体文件注释 Dorsal view of a Stripe-throated Bulbul. Go to www.larsfoto.se for more than 460