搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird


Macaulay LibraryeBird提供支持


  1. Wood Sandpiper - ML201983481
    条评分 3
    10 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 one bird looking around,left bird is a common snipe. Elevation: 3 m. Date added
  2. Black-winged Stilt - ML201983471
    条评分 3
    9 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 problaby a white-headed stilt(H.h.leucocephalus)immature-adult. Elevation: 3 m.
  3. Long-toed Stint - ML201983461
    条评分 3
    12 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 bird in the water. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  4. Red Collared-Dove - ML201983451
    条评分 3
    10 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 1 bird on the floor eating. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    行为 觅食或者进食
  5. Plain Prinia - ML201983441
    条评分 4
    12 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 calling and later preening. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    发声 鸣叫
    行为 发声中
  6. Zebra Dove - ML201983431
    条评分 3
    9 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 2 birds eating on the floor. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    行为 觅食或者进食
  7. Paddyfield Pipit - ML201983421
    条评分 2
    9 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 walking on the road. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  8. Chinese Pond-Heron - ML201983411
    条评分 3
    9 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 a bird in sunlight. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  9. Black-winged Stilt - ML201983401
    条评分 3
    9 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 bird resting. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  10. Oriental Reed Warbler - ML201983391
    条评分 2
    9 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 sometimes calling. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    发声 鸣叫
    行为 发声中
  11. Little Cormorant - ML201983381
    条评分 3
    9 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 a bird looking for food. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    行为 觅食或者进食
  12. Chinese Pond-Heron - ML201983351
    条评分 2
    9 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 hunting. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  13. Bar-tailed Godwit (Siberian) - ML201983341
    条评分 3
    10 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 bird walking. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  14. Siamese Pied Starling - ML201983331
    条评分 3
    11 条评分
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
    媒体文件注释 bird in the sunlight. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.