搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird


技術支援- Macaulay LibraryeBird


  1. Crimson-crested Woodpecker - ML622726723
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  2. Crimson-crested Woodpecker - ML622726719
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  3. Turquoise Tanager - ML622726714
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  4. Orange-winged Parrot - ML622726712
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  5. Wire-tailed Manakin - ML622726710
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  6. Chestnut-fronted Macaw - ML622726708
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  7. Plumbeous Kite - ML622726705
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  8. Straight-billed Hermit - ML622726704
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  9. Yellow-bellied Dacnis - ML622726703
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  10. Gilded Barbet - ML622726702
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  11. Many-banded Aracari - ML622726701
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  12. Lettered Aracari - ML622726696
    評價 5
    1 評價
    Roksana and Terry
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  13. Yellow-tufted Woodpecker - ML622437834
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  14. Yellow-tufted Woodpecker - ML622437835
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  15. Cream-colored Woodpecker - ML622437686
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  16. Yellow-tufted Woodpecker - ML622422561
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Sheila Demkovich
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  17. King Vulture - ML622391537
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  18. King Vulture - ML622391538
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  19. Many-banded Aracari - ML622391384
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  20. Channel-billed Toucan - ML622391343
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  21. Yellow-rumped Cacique (Amazonian) - ML622391317
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  22. Turquoise Tanager - ML622391311
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  23. 緋紅金剛鸚鵡 - ML622391275
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  24. Chestnut-fronted Macaw - ML622391270
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  25. Black Caracara - ML622391239
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  26. Crimson-crested Woodpecker - ML622391231
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  27. Crimson-crested Woodpecker - ML622391232
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  28. White-necked Puffbird - ML622391172
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  29. White-necked Puffbird - ML622391170
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador
  30. White-necked Puffbird - ML622391171
    Sucumbíos, Ecuador