搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. Dusky Grouse - ML615578968
    評價 5
    2 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  2. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790411
    評價 2
    2 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Silhouette shot with head details obscured by darkness (poor exposure for head),
  3. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790391
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Best shot of wing feathering. Tail also visible along with upperparts of body.
  4. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790381
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Closer shot of tail, showing greater detail of the tip.
  5. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790421
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Blurry, but the best view, with decent exposure, of the details of the head.
  6. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790361
    評價 3
    2 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Shows head, with ruff, beak, white throat and white behind the eye. Also chest
  7. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790371
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Shows tail and rump.
  8. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790351
    評價 1
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Shows feathering on legs, down to toes. Also a bit of sides, flanks, and wings.
  9. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790401
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Only full shot, rather than a partial shot, of the Ruffed Grouse.
  10. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790341
    評價 1
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 shows head, chest, belly, side and wing area.
  11. Ruffed Grouse - ML478790331
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Best view of back. (As with all shots in this Ruffed Grouse collection, this is
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  12. Dusky Grouse - ML225268151
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  13. Dusky Flycatcher - ML49245431
    評價 3
    2 評價
    John Cassady
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  14. Sage Thrasher - ML48547531
    評價 2
    2 評價
    John Cassady
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  15. Red-naped Sapsucker - ML48547511
    評價 3
    2 評價
    John Cassady
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  16. Calliope Hummingbird - ML48547481
    評價 3
    2 評價
    John Cassady
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  17. Broad-tailed Hummingbird - ML48547451
    評價 4
    3 評價
    John Cassady
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  18. Wilson's Snipe - ML48547391
    評價 4
    3 評價
    John Cassady
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  19. Dusky Grouse - ML48114501
    評價 3
    3 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  20. American Goshawk - ML48114391
    評價 3
    4 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  21. Mountain Chickadee - ML46395251
    評價 4
    3 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
    備註 Two MOCH in photo, lower left and upper right
  22. Townsend's Solitaire - ML37125201
    評價 3
    2 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  23. Townsend's Solitaire - ML37125191
    評價 3
    2 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States
  24. Western Tanager - ML36645311
    評價 3
    2 評價
    Teton, Wyoming, United States