搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. Tufted Titmouse - ML153583431
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  2. Northern Parula - ML153574271
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  3. Swamp Sparrow - ML153568861
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  4. Swamp Sparrow - ML153568831
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  5. Swamp Sparrow - ML153568821
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  6. Swamp Sparrow - ML153568801
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  7. Swamp Sparrow - ML153568791
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  8. Swamp Sparrow - ML153568781
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  9. White-throated Sparrow - ML153568361
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  10. White-throated Sparrow - ML153568341
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  11. American Goldfinch - ML153567211
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  12. American Robin - ML153565991
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  13. American Robin - ML153565971
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  14. American Robin - ML153565951
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  15. Hermit Thrush - ML153565621
    評價 5
    2 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  16. Hermit Thrush - ML153565591
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  17. Hermit Thrush - ML153565571
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  18. Hermit Thrush - ML153565551
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  19. Hermit Thrush - ML153565541
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  20. Hermit Thrush - ML153565531
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  21. Hermit Thrush - ML153565521
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  22. Hermit Thrush - ML153565491
    評價 5
    2 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  23. Hermit Thrush - ML153565451
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  24. Hermit Thrush - ML153565431
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  25. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - ML153561421
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  26. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - ML153560921
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  27. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - ML153560881
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  28. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - ML153560821
    評價 1
    1 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  29. Winter Wren - ML153557971
    評價 3
    2 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States
  30. Winter Wren - ML153557831
    評價 4
    2 評價
    Eric Michael
    Ferrettie/Baugo Creek County Park--south of Route 933, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States