搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. Barred Owl - ML201481611
    評價 5
    22 評價
    Orange, Florida, United States
    備註 A close-up of a bird looking around and then stretching its muscles. Elevation:
  2. Barred Owl - ML201481601
    評價 5
    15 評價
    Orange, Florida, United States
    備註 A bird perched on a branch and moving its head. Elevation: 27 m. Date added to I
  3. Barred Owl - ML201481591
    評價 5
    7 評價
    Orange, Florida, United States
    備註 A detail of feet and plumage of a perched bird and panting. Elevation: 27 m. Dat
  4. Barred Owl - ML201474691
    評價 5
    22 評價
    Orange, Florida, United States
    備註 A bird perched on a branch, turning around and calling. Elevation: 28 m. Date ad
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 鳴唱中
  5. Carolina Wren (Northern) - ML201474681
    評價 5
    10 評價
    Orange, Florida, United States
    備註 A bird perched on branch, turning around and taking off. Elevation: 28 m. Date a
    行為 飛行中
  6. Blue Jay - ML201474671
    評價 3
    4 評價
    Orange, Florida, United States
    備註 A short shot of a bird perched on a feeder and taking off (repeated at slow moti
    行為 飛行中; 覓食或吃東西
  7. Anhinga - ML201474661
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Orange, Florida, United States
    備註 A male perched on a trunk, looking around and preening. Elevation: 28 m. Date ad
  8. Northern Cardinal (Common) - ML201474651
    評價 4
    5 評價
    Orange, Florida, United States
    備註 A male moving among branches, preening and taking off. Elevation: 28 m. Date add
    行為 飛行中