搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. Zapata Wren - ML608601331
    評價 5
    1 評價
    Matanzas, Cuba
  2. Zapata Sparrow - ML512511081
    評價 5
    2 評價
    Matanzas, Cuba
    備註 Adult preening.
  3. Gray Catbird - ML201831001
    評價 5
    5 評價
    Matanzas, Cuba
    備註 An adult perched and calling. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: September 28, 2
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 鳴唱中
  4. American Redstart - ML201830991
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Matanzas, Cuba
    備註 A female foraging along a track. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: September 28
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  5. Zapata Sparrow - ML201830981
    評價 5
    6 評價
    Matanzas, Cuba
    備註 An adult perched and turning around once. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: Sep
  6. Cuban Green Woodpecker - ML201830971
    評價 5
    6 評價
    Matanzas, Cuba
    備註 A male perched and briefly calling once. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: Sept
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 飛行中; 鳴唱中
  7. Loggerhead Kingbird (Loggerhead) - ML201830961
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Matanzas, Cuba
    備註 A ventral view of a perched adult. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC: September
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
  8. Cuban Emerald - ML201830951
    評價 5
    5 評價
    Matanzas, Cuba
    備註 A female perched and eventually flying away. Elevation: 3 m. Date added to IBC:
    行為 飛行中