搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. Iiwi - ML201455751
    評價 5
    6 評價
    Maui, Hawaii, United States
    備註 Slow-motioned views (33%) of an adult probing flowers of mamane (Sophora chrysop
  2. Iiwi - ML201455741
    評價 5
    12 評價
    Maui, Hawaii, United States
    備註 An adult feeding by systematically probing the bill in many mamane (Sophora chry
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 覓食或吃東西; 鳴唱中
  3. Iiwi - ML201455731
    評價 4
    5 評價
    Maui, Hawaii, United States
    備註 Several views of an adult probing flowers of mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) to ea
  4. Iiwi - ML201455721
    評價 5
    5 評價
    Maui, Hawaii, United States
    備註 A close-up of an adult feeding on nectar, with two sections repeated at slow mot
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  5. Iiwi - ML201455711
    評價 5
    5 評價
    Maui, Hawaii, United States
    備註 An adult calling twice while feeding on the nectar of mamane (Sophora chrysophyl
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 覓食或吃東西; 鳴唱中
  6. Iiwi - ML201455701
    評價 4
    5 評價
    Maui, Hawaii, United States
    備註 An adult feeding on the nectar of mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) flowers. Elevati
    行為 覓食或吃東西