搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. Satin Flycatcher - ML623974597
    評價 2
    1 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 Male singing
    性別與年齡 雄成鳥 - 1
  2. White-browed Woodswallow - ML201744151
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A juvenile bird perching in a dead tree. Elevation: 247 m. Date added to IBC: Ju
  3. Brown Songlark - ML201744141
    評價 3
    5 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An immature bird preening in a dead tree. Elevation: 247 m. Date added to IBC: J
  4. White-browed Woodswallow - ML201742511
    評價 3
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult perching in a tree. Elevation: 247 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
  5. 彩虹蜂虎 - ML201742501
    評價 3
    5 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An immature bird perching in a dead tree. A Jacky Winter also lands in the tree.
  6. Little Lorikeet - ML201742491
    評價 3
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 Three birds squabbling and calling on a dead tree in the early morning. Elevatio
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 鳴唱中
  7. Restless Flycatcher - ML201742481
    評價 4
    5 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A bird perching in a tree before flying away and calling once. Elevation: 247 m.
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 飛行中; 鳴唱中
  8. Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo - ML201742471
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An immature bird perching on a fence and then flying away. Elevation: 247 m. Dat
    行為 飛行中
  9. Diamond Firetail - ML201742461
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult feeding on the ground. A pair of Red-rumped Parrots can be seen in the
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  10. Little Lorikeet - ML201742451
    評價 3
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A small flock of birds feeding in a tight bunch. They appear to be picking 'lerp
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  11. Jacky-winter - ML201742441
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult preening on a twig. Elevation: 247 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  12. Welcome Swallow - ML201740071
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A bird building a nest on top of a spotlight using mud and a dead insect. Elevat
    行為 築巢中
  13. Welcome Swallow - ML201740061
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A bird building a nest with mud and strands of nylon thread. Elevation: 247 m. D
    行為 築巢中
  14. Gray Shrikethrush - ML201740051
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A male perching in a mistletoe before opening its beak and then flying away. Ele
    行為 飛行中
  15. Dusky Woodswallow - ML201740041
    評價 4
    6 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult bird building a nest and then flying away and calling. Elevation: 247 m
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 飛行中; 築巢中; 鳴唱中
  16. Jacky-winter - ML201725731
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult perching in a tree above its nest, then sitting on the nest, appearing
    行為 飛行中
    標籤 蛋; 巢
  17. White-winged Chough - ML201725641
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A pair of birds searching for food in leave litter. Elevation: 247 m. Date added
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  18. Rufous Whistler - ML201725631
    評價 4
    5 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A male calling from high in a tree. Elevation: 247 m. Date added to IBC: June 23
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 鳴唱中
  19. Jacky-winter - ML201725621
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult preening on a branch. A Rufous Whistler can be heard calling. Elevation
  20. Jacky-winter - ML201725611
    評價 5
    6 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult perching on a branch. A Grey Fantail can be heard calling in the backgr
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
  21. White-naped Honeyeater - ML201725591
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult on the ground collecting spider webs. Elevation: 247 m. Date added to I
  22. Red Wattlebird - ML201720651
    評價 3
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 An adult preening on a branch. Elevation: 247 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 201
  23. Purple-crowned Lorikeet - ML201720641
    評價 3
    5 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 Six birds perching on a branch, fighting and calling. Four fly away, leaving two
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 鳴唱中
  24. Swift Parrot - ML201720631
    評價 3
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A bird feeding on eucalypt flowers then flying away. Elevation: 247 m. Date adde
    行為 飛行中; 覓食或吃東西
  25. Spotted Pardalote - ML201659111
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 male calling from a perch. video taken by Wildlife Guide Paul Hackett whilst on
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 鳴唱中
  26. White-winged Chough - ML201659061
    評價 4
    4 評價
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
    備註 A chough family descends upon their nest with lots of displaying while a wild Ko
    行為 求偶、展示或交尾